move it all about in English

move one's body vigorously (as when dancing)

Use "move it all about" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "move it all about" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "move it all about", or refer to the context using the word "move it all about" in the English Dictionary.

1. All said and done, if they move it all, that's over $ 112,000.

2. Bear down on it with all your strength so it doesn't move.

3. I wanted to move it to a secure location before confronting you about it.

4. 6 Bear down on it with all your strength so it doesn't move.

5. It was easier to move about on the fringe of the crowd.

6. Ambulate (am′byŭ-lāt″) [L. ambulare, to move about] To walk or move about freely.

7. Read all about it!

8. Ambulate (am′byŭ-lāt″) [L. ambulare, to move about] To walk or move about freely.

9. About all of it.

10. For a time it seemed doubtful that he would move at all.

11. Move all that stuff!

12. I forgot all about it.

13. It' s all about timing

14. I know all about it.

15. They're all overjoyed about it.

16. We've all experienced it and most of us would move heaven and earth to avoid it.

17. It was all about the wall.

18. Complained about it all the time.

19. Aitch knows fuck all about it.

20. It's all over. Think about it.

21. It was all about this dagger!

22. The trucks were so ramshackle that it was amazing they could move at all.

23. Help me move it.

24. Only move it... Here.

25. Let's move it, gentlemen! "