mouths in English

the opening in the lower part of the human face, surrounded by the lips, through which food is taken in and from which speech and other sounds are emitted.
As he looked right at me, cigarette teetering on his lower lip with his mouth slightly open, he didn't flinch.
an opening or entrance to a structure that is hollow, concave, or almost completely enclosed.
standing before the mouth of a cave
say (something dull or unoriginal), especially in a pompous or affected way.
this clergyman mouths platitudes in breathy, soothing tones
synonyms:utterspeaksaypronounceenunciatearticulatevoiceexpresssay insincerelysay for form's sakepay lip service to
take in or touch with the mouth.
puppies may mouth each other's collars during play

Use "mouths" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mouths" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mouths", or refer to the context using the word "mouths" in the English Dictionary.

1. Slits for mouths?

2. Six hungry mouths to feed.

3. With your mouths agape

4. Big Brains Cause Cramped Mouths

5. This creek mouths into the sea.

6. Their mouths were encrusted with flies.

7. Some peoples mouths open. Others faces contort.

8. Our mouths dropped open in surprise.

9. Don't you put words in people's mouths.

10. We watched, our mouths agape in excitement.

11. “[They] who ... stopped the mouths of lions,

12. Girls like this can't keep their mouths shut.

13. We have a lot of mouths to feed.

14. Twins would mean two extra mouths to feed.

15. Water seaward af Oregon's Coasthe and river mouths

16. They'd only be so many mouths to feed.

17. They have no place in our minds or mouths.

18. Hey, we leave, that's 16 less mouths to feed.

19. After all, I have two mouths to feed now.

20. They all have outstretched hands and demanding mouths.

21. Beetles’ mouths are made for chewing, while true bugs’ mouths are made for piercing skin and sucking, e.g., bed bugs and cicadas

22. First, Bluegills have small mouths, even when they are adults

23. Because the sweet wine has been taken from your mouths.

24. Politicians are supposed to be role models not potty mouths.

25. How I wish, but the burden of hungry mouths.

26. A fancy dagger can feed a lot of mouths.

27. No doubt you have some hungry mouths to feed.

28. We'd open our mouths to remonstrate. He'd toddle off.

29. Forest Goblin Shamans keep small poisonous spiders in their mouths.

30. Bogong Mouths are found in southern Australia, including Tasmania.

31. Some people are prone to getting Cankers on their mouths

32. Out of the mouths of these three, frogs came forth.

33. There's more mouths in that shit than in my batallion.

34. Young girls are notorious for keeping their fucking mouths shut.

35. Thus, like sharks, tuna swim with their mouths partially open.

36. She usually poor-mouths when it's her turn to contribute.

37. Who wouldn't want to roll that around in their mouths?

38. 9 She usually poor-mouths when it's her turn to contribute.

39. Language isn't just for conversing, just words coming out of our mouths.

40. And they won't stop until all the Butterfingers come hometo people's mouths.

41. Bigmouth: [noun] any of various fishes having noticeably large mouths: such as

42. For example , how can you cope if one parent bad-mouths another ?

43. With their large mouths they are capable of swallowing smaller aquarium fishes.

44. They bleed inwardly, just Crimsoning the brown hair at their mouths

45. Description – Bluegills have small mouths and oval-shaped, almost rounded, bodies

46. Otherwise, keep your mouths shut, thou villainous clay-Brained malt-worms.

47. It wasn't even a proper kiss - that was two mouths touching!

48. They swarm into our country, tak... e the food from our mouths.

49. I'm curious about crocs, but I don't stick my head in their mouths.

50. Ardor is a work of Metaphysics from the mouths of the ancients