most feck in English

greater part, most part

Use "most feck" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "most feck" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "most feck", or refer to the context using the word "most feck" in the English Dictionary.

1. Synonyms for Beastliest include most bestial, most feral, most animalistic, most ferine, most brutal, most swinish, most brutish, most brute, most subhuman and most …

2. Synonyms for Brattiest include most demanding, most obnoxious, most selfish, most spoilt, most spoiled, most troublesome, most ill-mannered, most brattish, most precocious and most self-centred

3. Synonyms for Busiest include liveliest, most occupied, most active, most bustling, most employed, most industrious, most time-poor, most assiduous, most diligent and most energetic

4. Antonyms for Bleariest include brightest, liveliest, most unwearied, most distinct, most energised, most illuminated, most persistent, most unceasing, most long-suffering and most uncomplaining

5. Synonyms for Curiousest include keenest, eagerest, ambitiousest, most inquisitive, most probing, most questioning, most quizzical, most enquiring, most investigative and most enthusiastic

6. Antonyms for Brattiest include best-behaved, best, politest, most orderly, most obedient, most compliant, most dutiful, most disciplined, most respectful and most …

7. Synonyms for Baldest include most balding, most bald-headed, smoothest, most glabrous, most clean-shaven, most glabrate, most beardless, most glabrescent, barest and …

8. Synonyms for Barest include baldest, most uncovered, most naked, most open, most polished, nudest, rawest, most undressed, most unclothed and most bare-assed

9. Antonyms for Ashiest include flushest, reddest, rosiest, ruddiest, most blooming, most florid, most glowing, most rubicund, most sanguine and most flushed

10. Absurdeste most abundant {adj} häufigste most academic {adj} akademischste most acceptable {adj} annehmbarste most accessible {adj} zugänglichste most accidental {adj} am zufälligsten most accurate {adj} akkurateste most acidic {adj} säurehaltigste most active {adj} aktivste most acute {adj} akuteste most adapted {adj} angepassteste most

11. Synonyms for Clearest include simplest, lucidest, plainest, directest, user-friendliest, most understandable, most straightforward, most apprehensible, most coherent and most comprehensible


13. Antonyms for Baggiest include tightest, snuggest, firmest, tautest, closest, most fitting, most close-fitting, most tight-fitting, most figure-hugging and most skin-tight

14. Synonyms for Bluntest include dullest, obtusest, roundest, most worn, most rounded, most pointless, most unkeen, flattest, stubbiest and thickest

15. Antonyms for Briskest include slowest, sluggishest, heaviest, laziest, warmest, most lethargic, most unenergetic, most idle, most temperate and boringest

16. Antonyms for Achiest include laziest, slowest, sluggishest, slackest, dullest, laxest, most indolent, most painless, most idle and most slothful

17. Bunco is an easy dice game; you may be a winner: Most Wins; Most Buncos; Most Baby Buncos; or Most Losses!

18. This is the most basic, most common format.

19. Most dangerous place that is most safe place.

20. Buffettini is the most recorded of the four, the most scrolled and the most correct passes

21. Buffettini is the most recorded of the four, the most scrolled and the most correct passes

22. The most erudite person and the most illiterate person...

23. The most superficial phenomena are sometimes the most profound.

24. # I'm the smartest, most clever and most physically fit!

25. He most lives who lives most for others.