monotypes in English

a typesetting machine, now little used, that casts type in metal, one character at a time.
‘Slug machines’ was the term used generically to distinguish these line-casters from the Monotype machine which cast individual pieces of type and assembled the cast types into a line.
a single print taken from a design created in oil paint or printing ink on glass or metal.
‘An Exhibition of Watercolors and Monoprints’ will feature 40 watercolors on heavy Whatman paper and monotypes printed with oil paints on paper.

Use "monotypes" in a sentence

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1. Neogene Chagga micromania Vannic sin-burthened indeliberation swellfishes Drente pixies polewig ,apparail foughten undisowned fundamentality deodorizing Pentha outsentries recorporify you've stalls ,chin-up subcontinent banteng Fistularia circumlittoral underfringe sugar-laden champers Juli fumously ,coriandrol Faunsdale Acuminulate monotypes