moliere in English

( 1622–73 ) , French playwright; pseudonym of Jean-Baptiste Poquelin . He wrote more than 20 comic plays about contemporary France, developing stock characters from Italian commedia dell'arte . Notable works: Tartuffe (1664), Le Misanthrope (1666), and Le Bourgeois gentilhomme (1670).

Use "moliere" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "moliere" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "moliere", or refer to the context using the word "moliere" in the English Dictionary.

1. Refuse the last rites to Moliere!

2. The author Murger attempted to explain that 'Bohemians' had always been in existence, in such famous examples as Homer, Shakespeare and Moliere

3. It was a fertile time for art (Rembrandt, Vermeer) and literature (Racine, Moliere, Milton, Pascal) and unfortunately, bad philosophy (Hobbes, Locke).

4. The full cubic of Moliere s stereo type losing his hypocritical character can be well used for the reference for the all-round rejuvenation of Ch.

5. The plan of the research will be to position Moliere's The Misanthrope (Mis.), School for Wives, as well as Don Juan, or the Stone Guest as works that illustrate a specific social milieu, and then to show how Anglicizers of Moliere, notably Wycherley in The Plain Dealer and The Country Wife and Byron in Don Juan, offer a "take" on Moliere that

6. Blunderer, Paperback by Moliere, ISBN 1512202185, ISBN-13 9781512202182, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US<br><br>"The Blunderer" from Molière

7. Shakespeare, like Moliere, was an actor and yet wrote plays which were masterpieces, we might well ask if it would have been possible for him to write them in any other walk of life.

8. The French playwright Moliere, for example, wrote a musical comedy in 1670 called "Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme" or "The Bourgeois Gentleman" that poked fun at a naive, middle-class social climber who hires tutors and fashion consultants to fit into high-class society.