mobutu in English


(Sese Seko) former president of Zaire

Use "mobutu" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mobutu" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mobutu", or refer to the context using the word "mobutu" in the English Dictionary.

1. There is no disputing that Mobutu and his entourage took the riches.

2. 26 Mobutu emerges from all this as a villain of Shakespearean proportions.

3. He and his family fled during the Mobutu regime and in 1993 emigrated to Liège, Belgium.

4. Mobutu, undergoing treatment for prostate cancer, has been operating largely from his villa in nearby RoquebruneCap-Martin.

5. Michela Wrong tells her story with the bitter black humour of those who survived the Mobutu years.

6. • On that day, Mobutu made a triumphal return from four months of Convalescence abroad after prostate cancer surgery

7. The Uganda kob, Adenota kob thomasi (Neumann) used to be widespread throughout Uganda in all suitable regions but now the main concentrations are found in the Rwen-zori and Kabalega Falls National Parks as well as in the Toro Game Reserve on the southern shores of Lake Mobutu (formerly Lake Albert)