mizzen in English

the mast aft of a ship's mainmast.
The crew had formed a circle on the deck around the mizzenmast and the captain, whose back was turned to her.
the lowest sail on a mizzenmast.
A gust of wind hit them as the mizzensail was unfurled, followed by the mainsail and the foresail.
  • mizenmastmizenmizzenmast
  • mizen

Use "mizzen" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mizzen" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mizzen", or refer to the context using the word "mizzen" in the English Dictionary.

1. To the mizzen.

2. Soon as he went up the mizzen, Will falls.

3. Upwind the ketch suffers from Backwinding of the mizzen by the main

4. On a ship rig, these Brails are most often found on the mizzen sail

5. The Barque has three or more masts with square sails on all except the mizzen (aft) mast

6. Gadoids trashery toadyism allyson nomograph social-mindedly nonallegoric unofficial Bukeyef littered bluer Samaritan checkrein barracuda supportable depilous woad mizzen dysnomy

7. Barkentines are three-masted vessels with square sails on the foremast and gaff sails on the main mast and the mizzen mast

8. Barques have at least three masts and square sails on all masts, except the aft, or mizzen mast, and possibly the foremast.

9. A Barquentine (alternatively barkentine) is a sailing vessel with three or more masts; with a square rigged foremast and fore-and-aft rigged main, mizzen and any other masts.

10. A Barquentine or schooner barque (alternatively “barkentine” or “schooner bark ”) is a sailing vessel with three or more masts; with a square rigged foremast and fore-and-aft rigged main, mizzen and any other masts

11. I think a Barquentine is the most beautiful of ships, the most aerial and graceful of rigs, the foremast with its transverse spars giving breadth and balance, and steadying the unhindered lift skywards of main and mizzen poles.