mitterrand in English


family name; Francois Maurice Marie Mitterrand (1916-1996), former President of France

Use "mitterrand" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mitterrand" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mitterrand", or refer to the context using the word "mitterrand" in the English Dictionary.

1. He dismissed Mitterrand 2 weeks later.

2. Prosecution was initiated against Mitterrand but was later dropped.

3. Mr Kohl has denied the allegations of an illegal Mitterrand connection.

4. Mitterrand named the former RPR Finance Minister Edouard Balladur as Prime Minister.

5. Mitterrand made a decisive U-turn in 1983 and cut government spending.

6. Although Mitterrand escaped personally unscathed, his party paid a heavy price.

7. Nevertheless, Mitterrand was worried by the rapidity of the Eastern bloc's collapse.

8. Mitterrand, a Socialist, had been ill with prostate cancer for several years.

9. Mitterrand had ambiguous relations with money, the power of which he regularly lambasted.

10. Mitterrand was at the end of his national service when the war broke out.

11. Mitterrand was accused of being responsible for this huge legislative defeat and the FGDS split.

12. On 16 February 1993, President Mitterrand inaugurated in Fréjus a memorial to the wars in Indochina.

13. • an Ambiguous question • Mitterrand had Ambiguous relations with money, the power of which he regularly lambasted.

14. Mitterrand had been suffering from prostate cancer for several years, for which he underwent surgery twice.

15. In October 1944 Mitterrand and Jacques Foccart developed a plan to liberate the POW and concentration camps.

16. 21 Mitterrand suggested extending Bush's measures to chemical and biological as well as conventional weapons and applying the plan globally.

17. Chirac mostly handled domestic policy while Mitterrand concentrated on his "reserved domain" of foreign affairs and defence.

18. In 19 Mr Mitterrand imposed a moratorium on the explosions and urged other nuclear powers to follow suit.

19. It was composed of the SFIO, the Radicals and several left-wing republican clubs (such the CIR of Mitterrand).

20. The Conservatoire National de Musique François-Mitterrand is a para-statal body under the aegis of the Ministry of Arts and Cultural Heritage

21. 1987 – British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and President of France François Mitterrand sign the agreement to build a tunnel under the English Channel (Eurotunnel).

22. In the presidential election of 10 May 1981, Mitterrand became the first socialist President of the Fifth Republic, and his government became the first left-wing government in 23 years.

23. In 1958, Mitterrand was one of the few to object to the nomination of Charles de Gaulle as head of government, and to de Gaulle's plan for a Fifth Republic.

24. Mitterrand's nephew Frédéric Mitterrand is a journalist, Minister of Culture and Communications under Nicolas Sarkozy (and a supporter of Jacques Chirac, former French President), and his wife's brother-in-law Roger Hanin was a well-known French actor.

25. The Karachi affair (French: Affaire Karachi), otherwise known as Agosta Submarine scandal, was a major military scandal that took place in the second administration of Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, involving the presidencies of François Mitterrand and Jacques Chirac in 1992–97.

26. Mitterrand was supported in the second round by the left and other anti-Gaullists: centrist Jean Monnet, moderate conservative Paul Reynaud and Jean-Louis Tixier-Vignancour, an extreme right-winger and the lawyer who had defended Raoul Salan, one of the four generals who had organized the 1961 Algiers putsch during the Algerian War.