mistrusted in English

be suspicious of; have no confidence in.
she had no cause to mistrust him
synonyms:be suspicious ofbe mistrustful ofbe distrustful ofbe skeptical ofbe wary ofbe chary ofdistrusthave doubts abouthave misgivings abouthave reservations aboutsuspectquestionchallengedoubthave no confidence inhave no faith in

Use "mistrusted" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mistrusted" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mistrusted", or refer to the context using the word "mistrusted" in the English Dictionary.

1. That's to say, the people who were mistrusted 20 years ago, principally journalists and politicians, are still mistrusted.

2. She mistrusted her ability to learn to drive.

3. Like Trump, he Belittled and mistrusted his political rivals

4. 14 He mistrusted ravishment by charm, spiritual appeal, force, wit or other blandishments.

5. Andropov was a Marxist-Leninist hard-liner who mistrusted the West and everything for which he thought it stood

6. Women are still mistrusted, shamed, harmed and, in the worst cases, subjected to honor killings if they don't bleed on their wedding night.