minor transgression in English


misdemeanor, crime which is not serious

Use "minor transgression" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "minor transgression" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "minor transgression", or refer to the context using the word "minor transgression" in the English Dictionary.

1. What they did is transgression!

2. A renewed tensional regime accompanied by marine transgression during the higher Permian produced evaporite deposits and minor epigenetic mineralization dominated by Fe in the Austro-Alpine area.

3. No transgression is unforgivable, except pride.

4. You will not fall into serious transgression.

5. In short, their transgression was motivated by false consciousness.

6. Typical transgression, 30 secon ds to three minutes.

7. * By reason of transgression cometh the Fall, Moses 6:59.

8. That's exactly the transgression I'm worried about committing.

9. Janir was in an ecstasy of wickedness and transgression.

10. An unforgivable transgression that has marked me for life.

11. “Never do anything that could lead to sexual transgression.

12. So the transvestite fails the test of humanist transgression.

13. Its use here signifies to take away “guilt, iniquity, transgression.”

14. * Mosiah 27:13 (apostasy comes as a result of transgression)

15. To those in Jacob who turn from transgression,”+ declares Jehovah.

16. The most insignificient transgression reverberated in the most ethereal worlds.

17. For two millennia, exogamy was a major transgression for Jews.

18. Did her husband improve his lot by joining her in transgression?

19. They begin with transgression in Tithonian, Hauterive, Albian and Senonian times.

20. “It is beauty . . . to pass over transgression,” states Proverbs 19:11.

21. Because of the transgression of my people he received the stroke.

22. Torah demands that one verbally admit the transgression, to say it out loud.

23. 5 synonyms for Anxiolytic: antianxiety drug, Anxiolytic drug, minor tranquilizer, minor tranquilliser, minor tranquillizer

24. The ways that I could think of involved transgression of the law.

25. Fools because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, are afflicted.