militaries in English

the armed forces of a country.
as a young man he joined the military and pursued a career in the Army
synonyms:(armed) forcesservicesmilitiaarmynavyair forcemarines

Use "militaries" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "militaries" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "militaries", or refer to the context using the word "militaries" in the English Dictionary.

1. Historically, Autocrats have depended on nobles, business moguls, militaries, or ruthless priesthoods to maintain their power

2. Both the Warsaw Pact and NATO maintained large militaries and modern weapons to possibly defeat the other military alliance.

3. A Brevet in most militaries is a promotion to a higher rank without the increase in pay or full privileges

4. Some countries prohibit dual citizenship holders from serving in their militaries or on police forces or holding certain public offices.

5. Militaries around the world are under pressure to rapidly reduce their own outsized carbon "Bootprint" to help limit global heating

6. The term " Coalition " is the denotation for a group formed when two or more people, factions, states, political parties, militaries etc

7. Europeans are spending more on their own militaries, thanks in part to Browbeatings from the White House and a perceived threat from Russia

8. So we would be discussing the possibility that between the two militaries now this becomes a subject for a joint activity or an exercise.

9. Japan and South Korea, in response, have been preparing their respective militaries in order to thwart such military Adventurism.Russia Scales Up Its Influence, China Consolidates Its

10. The Crimean War was a bloody and disorganized international conflict involving the militaries of the United Kingdom, France, the Russian and Ottoman Empires, and Sardinia.

11. Resources such as diamonds, gold, tungsten, tantalum, and tin are mined, smuggled, and illegally taxed by violent armed groups, and provide off-budget funding to abusive militaries and security services.

12. Cubic is a technology-driven, market-leading provider of integrated solutions that increase situational understanding for transportation, defense C4ISR and training customers worldwide to decrease urban congestion and improve the militaries’ effectiveness and operational readiness.

13. The Anglo-French military mission sent in August, however, failed to impress Soviet officials; it was sent by a slow ocean-going ship and consisted of low-ranking officers who gave only vague details about their militaries.

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15. Captains of all three services routinely serve as instructors at service schools and combat training centers, aide-de-camps to general officers, liaison and exchange officers to other units, services, and foreign militaries, recruiting officers, students in advanced and graduate/post-graduate programs in Professional Military Education