midribs in English

a large strengthened vein along the midline of a leaf.
Another pernicious pest affecting house plants is scale, which appears as small lumps (either white, brown, pink or black) that form colonies on stems, on the underside of leaves and along the midribs .

Use "midribs" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "midribs" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "midribs", or refer to the context using the word "midribs" in the English Dictionary.

1. In normal leaves bud initiation occurred exclusively at the cut ends of midribs after removing petioles, while in abnormal ones buds formed at any region on midribs and petioles.

2. Stems (midribs) of medium thickness, secondary veins inserted at an acute angle.

3. Anthracnose lesions are often clustered along the midribs of the underside of lower leaves

4. When the extra tissue grows from the midribs, the form is called “ Midrib Cristate ”

5. Leaves have prominent veins, with fairly thick stems (midribs) and numerous secondary veins inserted at an acute angle. // 1.3.

6. Both the petiolule latex yield and the latex vessel number in lateral veins or midribs have a greater heritability.

7. The mouth itself has two thin midribs of coconut palm nailed across it and they add a pleasing buzz to the sound .

8. Leaf surface: slightly puckered and rather swollen with fairly strong ribbing; curved stems (midribs) with secondary veins inserted at an acute angle.

9. Leaves thick, coriaceous, dark green above, pale green beneath, oval or elliptic, 5-15 cm long, broadest near the middle, rounded, obtuse or subacute at both ends, sometimes subcordate at the base, abruptly pointed at apex, glabrous on both sides, Aciliate, midribs sparingly hirsutulous.