micropyle in English

a small opening in the surface of an ovule, through which the pollen tube penetrates, often visible as a small pore in the ripe seed.
It remains to be studied exactly how the pollen tubes reach the micropyle of the ovules.

Use "micropyle" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "micropyle" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "micropyle", or refer to the context using the word "micropyle" in the English Dictionary.

1. The histoblasts accumulate at the villus near the micropyle. The other cell types orientate in a three-dimensional pattern at the micropyle, according to a developing gradient.

2. (b) Coleorhiza, coleoptile (c) seed coat, testa (d) micropyle (e) starch

3. Brachysclereids in the Carpellary micropyle region (i.e., region immediately adjacent to the integumentary micropyle) are shorter than those in other parts of the endocarp, and the macrosclereids in this region are not elongated

4. Chalaza (plural Chalazas or Chalazae) ( botany ) The location where the nucellus attaches to the integuments , opposite the micropyle

5. In third stage, at maturing of the embryo sac, pollen tubes grow directionally toward micropyle into embryo sac.

6. Solution: In orthotropous ovule (also called Atropous or erect ovule) chalaza, micropyle and funicle lie in a straight line

7. (ii) Chalazogamy (Basigamy): In this case the pollen tube enters the ovule from chalazal end; however the entry into the embryo sac occurs through micropyle

8. Based on the position of micropyle and ovule orientation with respect to the funicle, there are five types of ovules as orthotropous or Atropous, anAtropous, campylotropous, amphitropous and hemianAtropous

9. Acrogamy; Answer: B; Explaination: Explanation: Chalazogamy is a type of fertilization in which the pollen tube penetrates into the embryo sac through the chalaza instead of entering through the micropyle (porogamy)

10. An orthotropous [Atropous] ovule is one in which no curvature takes place during development; the micropyle is positioned opposite the funiculus base, and the vasculature traverses from the base of the funiculus to the chalazal nucellar region

11. Definition of Antipodal (Entry 2 of 2) : any of three haploid cells in most angiosperms that are grouped at the end of the embryo sac farthest from the micropyle — called also Antipodal cell Synonyms & Antonyms for Antipodal

12. Orthotropous (Atropous) This is where the body of these ovules is straight so that the chalaza, where the nucellus and integuments merge, the funicle, which attaches the ovule to the placenta, and the micropyle are all aligned

13. – Acrogamy porogama, or porogamy, is defined as the process in which the ovum is provided with a micro-pilar canal; – there is a process of Acrogamy aporogama, or aporogamy, when instead the micropyle is missing (Cynomorium coccineum L., Ficus carica L.).

14. Caruncle a small, fleshy swelling, such as the lacrimal Caruncle which is the red prominance at the inner corner of the eye. a wart-like growth present on the seeds of some ANGIOSPERMS, such as the castor oil plant, near to the MICROPYLE