mi5 in English

(in the UK) the governmental agency responsible for dealing with internal security and counter-intelligence on British territory. Formed in 1909, the agency was officially named the Security Service in 1964, but the name MI5 remains in popular use.

Use "mi5" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mi5" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mi5", or refer to the context using the word "mi5" in the English Dictionary.

1. The American FBI Corresponds to the British MI5

2. Doubtless MI5 translators wasted hours pondering over these supposed gems of intelligence.

3. The book updated Bond working for a post-9/11 agency, independent of MI5 or MI6.

4. 16 MI5 agent: able to read your counterparts' innermost thoughts and know their hidden agenda.

5. The FBI, CIA and the United Kingdom's MI5 are undertaking aggressive agent and analyst recruiting strategies.

6. The FBI, CIA and the United Kingdom’s MI5 are undertaking aggressive agent and analyst recruiting strategies.

7. The ink's barely dry on this merger with MI5 and already they're itching for a chance to scrap the double-0 program forever.

8. MI5 files reveal details of British agent's wartime treachery When subjected to some Affrontery, he slowly pulls them off and uses them to slap the face of the offender

9. 27 He said the alleged breach occurred when MI5 tried to beef up intelligence in the wake of the July 2005 bombing on London's transit system that killed 52 people.

10. Intelligence assets perish, bad guys routinely elude surveillance (not surprising, since MI5 apparently has only Bobby, Wendy, the Montags and Joe, plus a policeman seconded to the operation, as field operatives to keep tabs on the Bolshies), and the Russians are …

11. Storyline Complicit follows the trail of Edward (David Oyelowo) an MI5 officer desperate to foil what he believes is another 7/7 style atrocity planned by British terror suspect Waleed (Arsher Ali) despite the lack of any conclusive evidence.

12. The sites were operated by a range of agencies including the Army, Navy and RAF plus the Foreign Office (MI6 and MI5), General Post Office and Marconi Company receiving stations ashore and afloat.

13. In December 2007, it was revealed that Jonathan Evans, head of the United Kingdom's MI5, had sent out confidential letters to 300 chief executives and security chiefs at the country's banks, accountants and legal firms warning of attacks from Chinese 'state organisations'.

14. This module is a resource for lecturers Cyberespionage While there is no single, universal definition of espionage, espionage has been described as a method of intelligence collection: particularly, as a "process of obtaining information that is not normally publicly available, using human sources (agents) or technical means (like hacking into computer systems)" (UK MI5 Security Service, n.d