meteoric leap in English

sudden forward progress

Use "meteoric leap" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "meteoric leap" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "meteoric leap", or refer to the context using the word "meteoric leap" in the English Dictionary.

1. Hail is a meteoric phenomenon.

2. Robert Fleck's rise was meteoric.

3. Her meteoric rise has been remarkable.

4. His early career had been meteoric.

5. The company has experienced meteoric growth.

6. Her parliamentary career has been meteoric.

7. The scandal ended his meteoric political career .

8. Its meteoric ascent defied the usual explanations.

9. This is not a meteoric rise and fall.

10. The deposit middle temperature meteoric hydrothermal ore deposit.

11. The apparent celestial origin of a meteoric shower.

12. But then injury cut short his meteoric rise.

13. Scientists found the celestial origin of the meteoric shower.

14. Officer remuneration has enjoyed an even more meteoric rise.

15. In my mind, losing weight is just something meteoric.

16. The group had a meteoric rise to fame in the 70s.

17. Look before you leap.

18. In many modern examples, diagenetic reactions in the meteoric zones are minimal.

19. Equally though, nobody could possibly visualise the meteoric rise that lay ahead.

20. The cat crouched, ready to leap.

21. It's a leap of faith.

22. Please don't do leap in.

23. The progression to the top of the senior pile was not so meteoric.

24. The cat Crouched, ready to leap

25. 6 I leap into uncertainty principle.