metacentric in English



of or pertaining to the metacenter of a floating body (Naval Architecture)

Use "metacentric" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "metacentric" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "metacentric", or refer to the context using the word "metacentric" in the English Dictionary.

1. GM: metacentric height of the actual (intact) ship

2. The diploid mainly consists of metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes.

3. The cladogram shows twelve metacentric, two submetacentric and two acrocentric chromosomes.

4. Blücher's metacentric height was 1.63 m (5 ft 4 in).

5. Creseis acicula has 2n = 20 (five metacentric and five submetacentric pairs).

6. Y chromosome has two types of polymorphism : metacentric ( or submetacentric ) and acrocentric chromosomes.

7. It is concluded that it is unlikely that persons with 47 chromosomes and an extra small metacentric chromosome constitute a new cytogenetic disease “the syndrome of the metacentric microchromosome”, as suggested by Abbo and Zellweger (1970).

8. In most of the species the long autosomes are acro-, the X-chromosomes metacentric.

9. The ship had a metacentric height of 7.82 feet (2.4 m) at deep load.

10. Furious's metacentric height was 3.6 feet (1.1 m) at deep load, a reduction of 1.48 feet (0.5 m) after her conversion.

11. Supraoesophageal ganglion metaphases of Chironomus tentans larvae exhibit seven apparent metacentric chromosomes instead of the six metacentrics and two acrocentrics expected (n = 4).

12. In the north, the genome was fixed for metacentric chromosomes whereas at the southern limit, the genome was homozygous for acrocentric and telocentric chromosomes.

13. The ideogram analysis has revealed that the 59 (or 60) chromosomes consist of 16 metacentric chromosomes and 43 (or 44 in 60 cells) acrocentric ones.

14. The Ag-NOR sites were on the short arms of some acrocentric pairs and at the telomeres of other acrocentric pairs and one or two metacentric pairs.

15. The Navy ordered in September 1933 that 30 centimetres (12 in) bulges be fitted on each side to increase her beam and thus raise the metacentric height.

16. Cytogenetic analysis disclosed a chromosome number of 77, with three metacentric chromosomes comprised of two X chromosomes and a Robertsonian translocation of two acrocentric autosomes, chromosomes 21 and 33.

17. Since the normale somatic complement comprises 77 acrocentric chromosomes and a large metacentric one (X), the chromosomes of tumor cells differ grossly from the somatic elements both morphologically and numerically.

18. The muskox (Ovibos moschatus), a member of the family Bovidae, has 48 chromosomes consisting of 12 biarmed and 34 acrocentric autosomes, an acrocentric X chromosome, and a small metacentric Y chromosome.

19. The heavy wing turrets caused the ships to have a large metacentric height, which should have made them very stable gun platforms, but their roll period proved to coincide with that of the average North Sea swell.

20. The remaining cells contained one or more metacentric or submetacentric chromosomes, mainly in higher passages, and were partially hypodiploid. 77% of the epithelial-like calf cornea cells had a set of 36 chromosomes of which 11 were acrocentric.

21. If a central compartment, 30 m long, bounded by two transverse bulkheads extending up to the deck, is Bilged, what will be (a) the new draught of the vessel, (b) the alteration in metacentric height if the water admitted is regarded as lost buoyancy

22. B's are of two types: metacentric and acrocentric and are associated with three types of abnormalities: (i) failure of the A chromosomes to move to the poles at anaphase I; (ii) nondisjunction of some A chromosomes at anaphase II; and (iii) the occurrence of tetraploid sporocytes.