mayfly in English

a short-lived, slender insect with delicate, transparent wings and two or three long filaments on the tail. It lives close to water, where the chiefly herbivorous aquatic larvae develop.
Rations include a variety of insect larvae, especially mayflies , blackflies, caddis flies, and midges.

Use "mayfly" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mayfly" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mayfly", or refer to the context using the word "mayfly" in the English Dictionary.

1. Antidictionary OF MAYFLY MORPHOLOGY (the dictionary of wrongly used terms) The easiest way not to make errors in morphological descriptions, is to learn insect morphology and morphology of selected mayfly taxa, using the following publications: Kluge N.J

2. The mayfly larvae ( are truly aquatic insects , which breathe by means of tracheal gills , borne oh either side of each abdominal segment .

3. 21 From the shape of the insect, Michael S. Engel, an entomologist at the University of Kansas, identified it as a mayfly, one of the first groups of flying insects.

4. Caddis flies, unlike your mayfly fly or stonefly flies, have a complete life cycle because they pupate.Pupation is often called a resting stage as the insects transform from larva to adult

5. The never feed and their alimentary canal is filled with air , so as to increase the buoyancy of the body for the nuptial flight in the evening ( on a summer day , usually May ( hence the name mayfly ) .

6. Without faith of some sort, life is a constant Bafflement, apparently devoid of any detectable meaning. After the war he became physician to the Commonwealth embassies in Moscow and turned many a stone in search of mayfly larvae, to the Bafflement of his footsore minders.