marshall plan in English

a program of financial aid and other initiatives, sponsored by the US, designed to boost the economies of western European countries after World War II. It was originally advocated by Secretary of State George C. Marshall and passed by Congress in 1948.

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "marshall plan" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "marshall plan", or refer to the context using the word "marshall plan" in the English Dictionary.

1. The Marshall Plan —A Way to End Poverty?

2. He had run the Marshall Plan in Europe.

3. Second , the Central Intelligence Agency and Marshall Plan startup.

4. 7 Second , the Central Intelligence Agency and Marshall Plan startup.

5. This is where the Marshall Plan of American support became crucial.

6. In all, there is on doubt that the motive force of the Marshall Plan on the French modernization was tremendous. The Marshall Plan saved the Monnet Plan .

7. One, because the benefits of the Marshall Plan have been overstated.

8. The Marshall Plan also played an important role in European integration.

9. Acheson's speech, Truman was known as " the prelude to the Marshall Plan. "

10. The Marshall Plan put these countries on a path of lasting peace.

11. 3 The Marshall Plan sought to regenerate the shattered Europe of 19

12. In the past, an American Marshall Plan saved the economy of Europe.

13. Containment and the Marshall Plan This illustration from the July 16, 1948, U.S

14. Marshall Plan for post - war U.S. foreign economic and technical assistance to the most successful.

15. This speech initiated the post - war European Aid Program commonly known as the Marshall Plan.

16. The Marshall Plan was a good example of the potential of official aid to accelerate growth.

17. Post - war America was rich, Europe was poor and the Marshall plan helped Europe catch up.

18. In 19 the Marshall Plan expired after distributing more than 12 billion dollars in foreign aid.

19. This thesis is divided into three parts totally: First, Central Intelligence Group and Marshall Plan appear.

20. The political effects of the Marshall Plan may have been just as important as the economic ones.

21. Large parts of the world devastated by World War II did not benefit from the Marshall Plan.

22. These included the Marshall Plan and the Berlin Airlift, as we discussed in our last two programs.

23. The Marshall Plan following World War II with the gift of millions of dollars helped put Europe on its feet.

24. The Marshall Plan was a U.S.–sponsored program designed to aid the economic recovery of Europe after the second world war.

25. In July, the Czechoslovak government, with KSČ approval, accepted an Anglo-French invitation to attend preliminary discussions of the Marshall Plan.

26. They competed against a well-financed Soviet-backed Communist Information Bureau (Cominform) that sought to undermine public support for the Marshall Plan.

27. Guiding by this strategy, the U. S. drafted " the Atlantic Alliance policy" , which included Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, the Point Four Program and NATO.

28. Hungary's participation in the Soviet-sponsored COMECON (Council of Mutual Economic Assistance) prevented it from trading with the West or receiving Marshall Plan aid.

29. We have a big chance of risk of recession in America and that's why America needs a new Marshall Plan, a new deal, " said Halver.

30. France, which received billions of dollars through the Marshall Plan, similarly saw its average income per person return to almost pre-war level by 1949.

31. But the moment for bold actions – the creation of a Mediterranean Marshall Plan, for instance, or massive investments into immigrant integration – passed without being seized.

32. Containment was not a purely negative doctrine, moreover, but also included a forward-thinking liberal component, especially through the Marshall Plan and NATO, of encouraging multilateral

33. The European nations had all but exhausted their foreign exchange reserves during the war, and the Marshall Plan aid represented almost their sole means of importing goods from abroad.

34. Finland, which the USSR forbade to join the Marshall Plan and which was required to give large reparations to the USSR, saw its economy recover to pre-war levels in 1947.

35. In 1948, the United States replaced piecemeal financial aid programs with a comprehensive Marshall Plan, which pumped money into the economy of Western Europe, and removed trade barriers, while modernizing the managerial practices of businesses and governments.

36. Bowman Blames Decades of US Capitalism, Imperialism for Flow of Asylum-Seekers "The best we can do is implement a 21st century Marshall Plan and help to rebuild Central America in the same ways that we have destroyed it." by