market power in English

ability of a company to raise prices to a level higher than the general market price and maintain the high price over a significant period of time

Use "market power" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "market power" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "market power", or refer to the context using the word "market power" in the English Dictionary.

1. The market share usually is affected by market power.

2. The resulting market power will generate static welfare losses.

3. 17 The resulting market power will generate static welfare losses.

4. Single firm abuse of market power is a central concern of competition laws.

5. Acts or behaviour constituting an abuse of a dominant position of market power

6. They are going to pool their resources and work together to increase their market power.

7. Antitrust laws are regulations that encourage competition by limiting the market power of any particular firm

8. Powerful incumbent airlines found three ways to erect strategic entry barriers and consolidate their market power.

9. A certain degree of regulatory oversight and control is thus necessary to avoid abuse of market power

10. At the same time, concentration of market power among Internet access providers was mentioned by some experts.

11. Since that time WorldCom has already gained additional market power by the acquisition of ANS and CNS.

12. This result is consistent with a theoretical model that additionally takes into account market power of firms.

13. At the same time, concentration of market power among Internet access providers was mentioned by some experts

14. 26 Powerful incumbent airlines found three ways to erect strategic entry barriers and consolidate their market power.

15. Market power means the ability to maintain industry prices above competitive levels for a significant period of time.

16. The challenges of managing privacy, data protection, cybersecurity as well as avoiding abuses of market power will increase.

17. Barriers to entry often cause or aid the existence of monopolies and oligopolies, or give companies market power

18. In natural monopolies, regulation may try to control market power directly, by setting prices (price caps) and controlling entry and access

19. In natural monopolies, regulation may try to control market power directly, by setting prices (price caps) and controlling entry and access.

20. In natural monopolies, regulation may try to control market power directly by setting prices (price caps) and controlling entry and access

21. In natural monopolies, regulation may try to control market power directly by setting prices (price caps) and controlling entry and access.

22. Conceptually, market power is the power to raise price above the competitive level and, at least in the short term, to obtain supra-normal profits

23. Conceptually, market power is the power to raise price above the competitive level and, at least in the short term, to obtain supra-normal profits.

24. (iii) in addition, certain public telecommunications operators notified as having significant market power have started providing voice over Internet protocol making use of their data backbone networks.

25. The innovation capacity of industry depends not only on large enterprises with market power but crucially on ambitious entrepreneurs and small enterprises aiming for radical innovations and fast growth.

26. But any increase in corporations’ market power is de facto a lowering of real wages – an increase in the inequality that has become a hallmark of most advanced countries today.

27. The Bureau considers market power to be the ability to profitably maintain prices above competitive levels (or similarly restrict non-price dimensions of competition) for a significant period of time, normally one year.

28. The Bureau considers market power to be the ability to profitably maintain prices above competitive levels (or similarly restrict non-price dimensions of competition) for a significant period of time, normally two years.

29. In order to analyze the effects of Turkish transit market power in an oligopolistic EU gas market (based on the Conjectural variations for the model calibration to 2014), two different scenarios are investigated: (1) a scenario with competitive Turkish transits, i.e.

30. (290) The ability of the merged entity to foreclose would primarily arise from (i) its significant market power in anaesthesia machines and (ii) the technical interface between anaesthesia machines, monitors and CIS which requires cooperation between the anaesthesia machine manufacturer, the patient monitor manufacturer or CIS supplier.

31. (153) A look at the reasons (technical constraints and commercial habits) why switchboard components tend to be of the same brand shows that a hypothetical manufacturer which, while offering the full range of components (a necessary condition for being present on the market), enjoyed a particularly strong position with regard to one type of component would be able to wield market power over that component type.