mark antony in English


(83-30 B.C., Marcus Antonius in Latin), Roman politician and general and friend of Julius Caesar who defeated Julius Caesar's assassins, member of the second triumvirate

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "mark antony" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mark antony", or refer to the context using the word "mark antony" in the English Dictionary.

1. 83 BC – Mark Antony, Roman general and politician (d.

2. Bogud supported Mark Antony, while Bocchus would stand by by Octavian

3. This amnesty was proposed by Caesar's friend and co-consul Mark Antony.

4. After the death of Julius Caesar he delivered his 14 Philippic orations against Mark Antony.

5. Bogud supported Mark Antony, while Bocchus (Bogud Brother) stood by Octavian (later the emperor Augustus)

6. The story of Cleopatra, the Beguiler of Mark Antony, is too well known to need repeating here

7. A top archeologist in Egypt says he may have found the lost tomb of Mark Antony and Cleopatra.

8. After defeating Mark Antony at Actium (31 bc), he became first emperor of Rome, adopting the title Augustus (27 bc)

9. John Adams II (1803–1834) and his first Cousin, Mary Catherine Hellen; Mark Antony and his first Cousin, Antonia Hybrida Minor; B

10. Cleopatra strove to create a dynastic and political union between Egypt and Rome, but the assassination of Caesar and the defeat of Mark Antony doomed her plans.

11. "Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears" is the first line of a speech by Mark Antony in the play Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare

12. While filming the lavishly produced Cleopatra in 19 she started a torrid, tabloid-chronicled affair with Richard Burton, who played Mark Antony and who was also married at the time.

13. An important ally of Julius Caesar, Bogud later supported Mark Antony in the power struggle between Antony and Octavian.He was deposed by his brother and was killed at the siege of Methone prior

14. There was widespread dissatisfaction with Octavian over these settlements of his soldiers, and this encouraged many to rally at the side of Lucius Antonius, who was brother of Mark Antony and supported by a majority in the Senate.

15. Claudius was born on 1 August 10 BC at Lugdunum in Gaul, into the heart of the Julio-Claudian dynasty: he was the son of Drusus Claudius Nero, the son of Augustus'swife Livia, and Antonia, the daughter of Mark Antony

16. Claudius Latin: Tiberius Claudius Caesar Augustus Germanicus; 1 August 10 BC – 13 October 54 AD) was the fourth Roman Emperor.He ruled from 24 January 41 AD to his death in 54 AD.His great-uncle was the first Emperor Augustus, and his uncle was the second Emperor Tiberius.His nephew was the third Emperor, Caligula.His maternal grandfather was Mark Antony.

17. Cicero (106 bce – 43 bce) was a lawyer and public figure who undertook the senatorial cursus honorum, reaching the consulship in 63 bce.He was subsequently involved in the civil war between Pompey and Caesar before falling victim to the purge of the Second Triumvirate (Octavian, Lepidus, Mark Antony).In discussions of Cicero and religion one should avoid the temptation to