maoist in English


['Mao·ist || 'maʊɪst]

of or pertaining to Maoism

Use "maoist" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "maoist" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "maoist", or refer to the context using the word "maoist" in the English Dictionary.

1. Forest dwellers lament being caught between Maoist bandits, exploitative miners and thuggish security men.

2. Palamau is a Maoist-infested area, with the rebels hampering human and wildlife Acclivities

3. This quasi-Maoist speech, which came to be known as the July Theses, contained seventeen proposals.

4. He was very active in that area, and had links with the local [Maoist] commanders.

5. Such threats related to alleged anti-Maoist activity or a refusal to supply food, shelter, labour or money.

6. She was active within the Maoist political organization, Bandera Roja (Red Flag), and helped found the Socorro Popular del Peru (Popular Succour).

7. In addition, the CPT pursued a strict Maoist line, which called for revolution to take place in rural areas first.

8. These quotes directly from Mao led to other actions by the Red Guards in the views of other Maoist leaders.

9. 21 November: Peace talks end with the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Accord between Prime Minister Koirala and Maoist leader Prachanda.

10. May: Large battles fought between Army and Maoist forces at Lisne Lekh along boundary between Pyuthan and Rolpa districts, and in Gam village, Rolpa.

11. The 60-page report, “Between Two Sets of Guns: Attacks on Civil Society Activists in India’s Maoist Conflict,” documents human rights abuses against activists in India’s Orissa, Jharkhand, and Chhattisgarh states.

12. 27 August: Strike: The Maoist call for a three-day strike to denounce the Army's attacks on their cadres The Maoists unilaterally withdraw from the 29 January cease-fire.

13. 13 February: Initiation of "the peoples war" by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) Kathmandu: A soft-drink bottling factory franchised to produce Coca-Cola is attacked and the building torched.

14. EAM also conveyed his deep disappointment at the baseless attacks on India by the Maoist leadership which vitiate the age-old and time-tested friendly relations between India and Nepal and the people of the two countries.

15. On 17 April, the NA stated that it could not start the recruitment process of former Maoist combatants until the structure—leadership and size—of the General Directorate had been finalised at the political level.

16. During the Cultural & Ideological Revolution of 1967–1968 the military changed from traditional Communist army tactics and began to adhere to the Maoist strategy known as people's war, which included the abolition of military ranks, which were not fully restored until 1991.