mannerisms in English

a habitual gesture or way of speaking or behaving; an idiosyncrasy.
learning the great man's speeches and studying his mannerisms
excessive or self-conscious use of a distinctive style in art, literature, or music.
he seemed deliberately to be stripping his art of mannerism
a style of 16th-century Italian art preceding the Baroque, characterized by unusual effects of scale, lighting, and perspective, and the use of bright, often lurid colors. It is particularly associated with the work of Pontormo, Vasari,and the later Michelangelo.
Ideas from abroad - notably the playful distortions of Italian Mannerism - eventually crowd into the tradition established by Van Eyck, upsetting its careful measure.

Use "mannerisms" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "mannerisms" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "mannerisms", or refer to the context using the word "mannerisms" in the English Dictionary.

1. He's taken on some irritating mannerisms.

2. He's got some very strange mannerisms.

3. 1 He's got some very strange mannerisms.

4. All the kids imitated Mr Pearce's mannerisms.

5. 8 John took off his boss's mannerisms.

6. 7 He's taken on some irritating mannerisms.

7. Voice, mannerisms, facial expressions, are all wholly repulsive.

8. Emphatic gestures are usually the kind that become mannerisms.

9. 2 Everyone has their own little quirks and mannerisms.

10. 10 Voice, mannerisms, facial expressions, are all wholly repulsive.

11. 10 I found myself copying him and his mannerisms.

12. 6 He has the same mannerisms as his father.

13. Her striking mannerisms detract from the reality of the character.

14. His mannerisms are more those of a preoccupied math professor.

15. His mannerisms and Galloway accent struck the other boys as rustic.

16. 11 His mannerisms are more those of a preoccupied math professor.

17. 13 Her striking mannerisms detract from the reality of the character.

18. 3 His mannerisms bear a strong likeness to those of his father.

19. 8 His mannerisms bear a strong likeness to those of his father.

20. 12 Roz has adopted one or two funny mannerisms since she's been away.

21. Although they're full of droll talk and amusing mannerisms, they are still necromancers.

22. 24 We've spent so much time together that we've picked up each other's mannerisms.

23. 17 Although they're full of droll talk and amusing mannerisms, they are still necromancers.

24. Words take second place to nonverbal cues, personal mannerisms, gestures, expressions, and overall appearance.

25. At school, his classmates regarded him as a yokel and laughed at his rustic mannerisms.

26. Ape: to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior.

27. Aped: to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior.

28. Aping: to use (someone or something) as the model for one's speech, mannerisms, or behavior.

29. 18 months of studying my target, learning mannerisms, but the devil is in the details.

30. Pidgeon's bizarrely flat mannerisms and speaking style make her the perfect mouthpiece for Mamet's best lines.

31. For one thing, the production is blessed with Cleese, who pulls out his characteristically deranged mannerisms.

32. These problems and mannerisms can be conquered by diligent effort to bring the voice under control.

33. 14 Negative comments about mannerisms, body build, appearance, interests,( and personality traits should be avoided.

34. 27 For one thing, the production is blessed with Cleese, who pulls out his characteristically deranged mannerisms.

35. His eyes sparkled with delight as her mannerisms and voice reminded him of just how attractive he found Englishwomen.

36. She is very critical of Fleur's pretentiousness , calls her Phlegm, and does a humorous imitation of her mannerisms (HBP.

37. 15 His eyes sparkled with delight as her mannerisms and voice reminded him of just how attractive he found Englishwomen.

38. 25 Alfred Molina's Shannon comes over as an assemblage of mannerisms rather than a man whose behaviour arises from dissipation and anguish.

39. It means: “crude, rough, not fine in texture and of low quality.” “Coarse” is used for texture, for quality, for mannerisms

40. 26 This taught us how to tell what a person is feeling by merely observing their body language and facial mannerisms.

41. 29 Alfred Molina's Shannon comes over as an assemblage of mannerisms rather than a man whose behaviour arises from dissipation and anguish.

42. Some Balkers whose mannerisms make women uncomfortable may benefit from a discrete “word in the ear” and some helpful coaching in interpersonal …

43. Boorish, oafish, rude, uncouth all describe persons, acts, manners, or mannerisms that violate in some way the generally accepted canons of polite, considerate behavior.

44. An example of Characterization is development of the characteristics and mannerisms of Ritchie Valens by Lou Diamond Phillips in the movie La Bamba.

45. Boorish, oafish, rude, uncouth all describe persons, acts, manners, or mannerisms that violate in some way the generally accepted canons of polite, considerate behavior.

46. Anisotropal Last hyphenations of this language chalone horta nonreclamation hoffa rhe loja suite nonheroicness flos-ferri homogamies nonfood nesslerized hexicological distance misstop continuously mannerisms autohypnotically Ripon

47. 1 Design 1.1 Etymology 2 Voice/Mannerisms 3 Personality 4 Biography 4.1 History 4.2 World Racing Grand Prix 4.3 Ark Cradle 5 Decks 6 References Broder's dub name means

48. I'm referring to ''The Magic Mountain'' (published in 1924), where Thomas Mann, Germany's greatest novelist, fleshes out the figure of Mynheer Peeperkorn with the mannerisms and Attitudinizings of

49. Synonyms: childish, childly; see also Thesaurus:Childlike 2019 May 8, Jon Bailes, “Save yourself! The video games casting us as helpless children”, in The Guardian‎[1]: Even Mario is given Childlike mannerisms

50. For example, the androgynous look, recently popularized by certain rock singers, blurs the line between the masculine and the feminine by using makeup, hairstyle, and mannerisms borrowed from the opposite sex.