make-work in English

work or activity of little value that serves to keep someone busy.
Then they give the companies all kinds of make-work in exchange.
denoting an activity that serves mainly to keep someone busy and is of little value in itself.
a make-work scheme for lawyers

Use "make-work" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "make-work" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "make-work", or refer to the context using the word "make-work" in the English Dictionary.

1. In some departments there is too much make-work.

2. I'm a writer and artist, and I make work about technology.

3. Another 8 million people are in what amounts to make-work

4. Owners gripe that a government make - work scheme lures away their workers.

5. One could go on to cite such make-work practices in many other fields.

6. Should we ask people to risk their lives for the sake of make-work?

7. • To make work pay, in particular through reforming taxation, labour market, and social security systems.

8. Otherwise, many infrastructure projects will end up resembling make-work, and house prices will fall.

9. I worry that mainstream Keynesian macroeconomics is little more than fancy camouflage for make - work bias.

10. It remains to be pointed out that government make-work is necessarily inefficient and of questionable utility.

11. In its last version, Adobe Reader 9 has some advantages and improvements that make work much easier.

12. I call this the make-work bias, a tendency to underestimate the economic benefits of conserving labor.

13. He urged flax and hemp growing as a state policy, and more ploughing of pasture to make work.

14. They have insisted on make-work rules to require more people or more time to perform a given task.

15. Theanswer is to make work more interesting, mix up your routine a bit-ie, don'ttake outwork frustrations on your food.

16. Her style of government has turned out to be a marvellous make-work scheme for political scientists, contemporary historians and political commentators.

17. Unemployment has been masked by job subsidies and make-work schemes, but it is likely to climb back above 4m next year.

18. Unemployment, which has been held down before the election by wage subsidies and make-work schemes, is sure to rise soon after the polling stations close.

19. And yet, there is one context in which economists talk about job scarcity in the same terms as an ordinary layman guilty of make-work bias.

20. Although much of that investment will no doubt boost China's competitiveness in the long run, billions have also flowed to make-work, vanity projects of dubious quality.

21. If wake up intensity toot all, also can cause as a result of excessive re action distractingly , and make work efficiency is reduced or produce wrong re action.

22. We need a narrative of episodes of severe unemployment that does not embody crude make-work bias but does not deny the existence of large amounts of involuntary unemployment.

23. Interestingly, the word Boondoggle came into general use in the 1930s, often to mean make-work projects run by the United States government as relief from the economic realities of the

24. Comparably provides the most accurate and comprehensive compensation and culture data, to understand employees' true value and needs to make work better. Lists Featuring This Company Western US Web Design Companies 2,886 Number of Organizations • $2.3B Total Funding Amount • 457 Number of Investors

25. Cannibalise: 1 v eat human flesh Synonyms: cannibalize Type of: consume , have , ingest , take , take in serve oneself to, or consume regularly v use parts of something to repair something else Synonyms: cannibalize Type of: apply , employ , use , utilise , utilize put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its

26. Cannibalize: 1 v eat human flesh Synonyms: Cannibalise Type of: consume , have , ingest , take , take in serve oneself to, or consume regularly v use parts of something to repair something else Synonyms: Cannibalise Type of: apply , employ , use , utilise , utilize put into service; make work or employ for a particular purpose or for its