maggiore in English


family name; Lake Maggiore, lake in northern Italy and southern Switzerland

Use "maggiore" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "maggiore" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "maggiore", or refer to the context using the word "maggiore" in the English Dictionary.

1. Churches: By denomination By dedication By area Santa Maria Maggiore is a patriarchal basilica dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary

2. Intorno al lago Maggiore sorgono graziosi borghi come Cannobio, Arona o Baveno, Aristocratiche ville, vigneti a perdita d’occhio, dolci colline e valli alpine

3. Se tale dinamica venisse confermata c'è da Attendersi una condizione meteorologica antitetica rispetto al periodo precedente, con maggiore stabilità, piovosità anche sotto la media e

4. Right in the heart of Rome, located within a short distance of Santa Maria Maggiore and Quirinal Hill, Clementina offers free WiFi, air conditioning and household amenities such as a fridge and kettle

5. Close by, the church St.Gregorio Maggiore,(12th century), characterized by its evocative apsis zone and by the elevated presbitery, a Roman bridge (also called "the Bloody") consisting of three arches in travertine stone blocks and the amphitheater of the 2nd century A.C. can be found.

6. Rome Basilicas and churches Within the Aurelian Walls – which define the ancient kernel of Rome – more than 200 churches are to be found and 19 Basilicas, out of which 3 are patriarchal: St Peter's Basilica in Vatican, St John in Lateran (San Giovanni in Laterano), Santa Maria Maggiore

7. Una spiegazione dei meccanismi che mettono in relazione uno stato di grave stress con lo sviluppo o l’aggravamento di una depressione maggiore arriva da uno studio condotto da ricercatori dell’University of Washington, a Seattle, che – come si legge su “Nature” – indicano nel nucleo Accumbens la struttura cerebrale in cui si scatena