machismo in English

strong or aggressive masculine pride.
Also in the rural areas, some of the more traditional machismo , an aggressively strong masculine character associated with patriarchy, prevailed.

Use "machismo" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "machismo" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "machismo", or refer to the context using the word "machismo" in the English Dictionary.

1. Call it machismo, if you want.

2. There is the added machismo of breaking the law.

3. The culture of machismo is strong in some countries.

4. Curiously, a certain 10 machismo exists that I didn't expect.

5. In this way all of Christadelphian culture is saturated with machismo.

6. Machismo is a New World phenomenon with roots in old world cultures.

7. 2 An American football game is the quintessence of machismo.

8. The bus driver drove with machismo through a tangle of marrow streets.

9. His spare style defined American modernism, and his life made machismo a clich é.

10. Joe was the antithesis of Leslie - big and blond, with considerable colonial machismo.

11. She writes boldly about Latina sexuality, challenging machismo in her ethnic community.

12. “Many mistakenly equate masculinity with harsh domination, toughness, or machismo,” said the speaker.

13. At 2 strands of DNA, this creates a machismo man and a subordinate woman.

14. At first, I didn't understand the school - yard rules, the trash talking, the machismo.

15. Nor do they see how such music can, after all, be a deconstruction of machismo.

16. Cojones pl (plural only) ( slang , usually considered vulgar ) testicles ( slang , usually considered vulgar ) balls , bollocks , courage , machismo , chutzpah

17. Social disapproval of excessive masculinity may be expressed as "machismo" or by neologisms such as "testosterone poisoning".

18. If these principles are undermined for the sake of legal machismo, there will be nothing on which to build.

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20. A writer like Sylvia Lopez-Medina attempts to revise the culture of machismo toward her own ends.

21. There is the added machismo of breaking the law. Telephone messages that have to be carried out in code.

22. I blamed the absence of machismo in my upbringing for my reluctance to indulge in the oldest profession.

23. Masking his doubts with machismo, he feels he is not really a man unless he can seize whatever he wants.

24. Matters get decidedly steamy and a tad too confessional, though the lyrical twists reveal depth and vulnerability alongside the Braggadocio.: The overriding impression is one of mayhem, machismo, bluster and Braggadocio.: However, beneath the partly tongue-in-cheek Braggadocio on his first solo LP in seven years, he clearly feels he has something yet to prove.