lulling in English

calm or send to sleep, typically with soothing sounds or movements.
the rhythm of the boat lulled her to sleep

Use "lulling" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lulling" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lulling", or refer to the context using the word "lulling" in the English Dictionary.

1. Related to Bilks: bothering, multifold, bilker, lulling

2. Synonyms for Becalming include soothing, calming, settling, lulling, composing, stilling, pacifying, salving, lullabying and quieting

3. Synonyms for Calming include soothing, relaxing, sedative, tranquillizing, tranquilizing, comforting, lulling, narcotic, pacifying and restful

4. Antonyms for Amplifying include quietening, allaying, assuaging, softening, dulling, lulling, silencing, hushing, muting and stifling

5. A pristine dream magic seems to inform Apologues—the fluid serenity of the music projects a lulling, murmured unreality that suggests that the …

6. It was possible, of course, that Stillman was merely biding his time, lulling the world into lethargy before striking.

7. Inside this box is a transmitter which will induce the human brain to emit Alpha waves, gently lulling it into a restful sleep.

8. Fences have lieeti torn tlown, part of them taken out to sea ami the rest Aurited by the lulling sui f In every direct on

9. Other highlights on the first day of Swn included punky tykes The Cut ups ripping it up at Undertone, the grizzled wonder of Aidan Moffat and Bill Wells at 10 Feet Tall, the lazy hazy psych folk of North Walians Jen Jeniro gently lulling us into submission at O'Neills and Welsh counterparts Yr Ods bristling with youthful invention at the same venue.

10. I acknowledge that Mrs Lulling sees things a bit differently in this respect, but I am reasonably confident that the future will show that her concern that Luxembourg's position as one of Europe's central investment fund centres could be damaged will prove to be unfounded, and that, on the contrary, this new UCITS directive could also provide opportunities for this financial centre.

11. The next item is the report (A4-0102/98) by Mrs Lulling, on behalf of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs and Industrial Policy, on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) amending I. Council Regulation (EEC) No 3330/91 on the statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States (COM(97)0252 - C4-0248/97-97/0155(COD)) andII. Council Regulation (EEC) No 3330/91 on the statistics relating to the trading of goods between Member States, with specific reference to the nomenclature of products, SLIM and Intrastat (COM(97)0275 - C4-0257/97-97/0162(COD)).