louis braille in English


(1809-1852) French educator (who became blind at the age of three) and inventor of the Braille system for the blind

Use "louis braille" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "louis braille" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "louis braille", or refer to the context using the word "louis braille" in the English Dictionary.

1. Luijs Brails (franču: Louis Braille, 1809

2. 1 synonym for Braille: Louis Braille

3. It was invented in 1824 by the Frenchman Louis Braille.

4. It is named after Louis Braille, the French man who invented it

5. The son of a harness-maker, Louis Braille was blinded by an accident when he was three

6. It was created in 1821 by a French boy named Louis Braille when he was just eleven years old

7. In 1824, Louis Braille invented the system we call Braille, a universal system of writing and printing for the blind

8. Later, Louis Braille invented the system that bears his name; he did so to help visually impaired ones to read.

9. Louis Braille, (born January 4, 1809, Coupvray, near Paris, France—died January 6, 1852, Paris), French educator who developed a system of printing and writing, called Braille, that is …

10. Braille là hệ thống chữ đọc và viết – đặt theo tên của Louis Braille – dành cho người khiếm thị, dùng các dấu chấm nổi thay cho các mẫu tự trong bảng chữ cái để người khiếm thị có thể đọc bằng cách sờ vào các dấu chấm.