lose sight of in English

ot see, overlook; forget; lose contact with

Use "lose sight of" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lose sight of" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lose sight of", or refer to the context using the word "lose sight of" in the English Dictionary.

1. Do not lose sight of primary mark.

2. How to lose sight of future, feel inky?

3. We must not lose sight of this fact.

4. We must not lose sight of our original aim.

5. We should, above all, not lose sight of this.

6. She mustn't lose sight of why she was here.

7. After all, we must not lose sight of the overall situation.

8. An important distinction, but one a lawyer can lose sight of.

9. Under no circumstances should we lose sight of our main objective.

10. In the grandiosity of his plan, he'll lose sight of the simplest details.

11. Only a short-sighted man will lose sight of the importance of education.

12. In the rush of life, it is easy to lose sight of what is important.

13. Now that they have the power to act, they should not lose sight of it.

14. It is easy to lose sight of your vehicle in blowing snow and become lost.

15. It is all too easy to lose sight of what is happening on our own doorstep.

16. The trouble is that when there are so many directions, you lose sight of the direction.

17. They intermingled with the crowd in the hope that their pursuers would lose sight of them.

18. However, to understand Innocent's reign we must not lose sight of the chancery and its activities.

19. Grant that we not lose sight of Jesus, who Busied himself with you at your carpenter's bench

20. Nothing is more common than unsuccessful person with talent because they lose sight of dreams and ambition.

21. 8 They intermingle with the crowd in the hope that their pursuer will lose sight of them.

22. I pray every day that you never lose sight of what you committed to do in Issa's name.

23. Sometimes we get mired down with minutia and lose sight of what we really need to be doing.

24. Such factors that consume psychological energy can lower job performance and cause workers to lose sight of organizational goals.

25. Anger and jealousy can no more bear to lose sight of their objects than love. George Eliot 

26. He says the talking drivers twist their necks as they talk and so lose sight of their road horizon.

27. All right, to land short, you've got to pitch up like this and you lose sight of where you're going.

28. However, we should not lose sight of the fact that there is some light at the end of the runnel.

29. Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore. Lord Chesterfield 

30. In our everyday consumption of bread we tend to forget or lose sight of the reality of what bread is.

31. A study of women writers can easily lose sight of broader literary relations, and inadvertently consign its subjects to a ghetto.

32. 13 However, we should not lose sight of the fact that there is some light at the end of the runnel.

33. 22 With all the present-day distractions and tests of faith, we could lose sight of the urgency of our times.

34. I pray that we will not lose sight of the way so that we may always be connected with the heavens.

35. Autopathography is a means for Lorde to reconstruct the missing human elements of the body which medicine and technology lose sight of

36. At times you can lose sight of a player you are controlling as part of the court turns out of your sight.

37. T-Bone1; Jun 1, 2017; You can never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore

38. Delegate or eliminate non-essential tasks. Sometimes we get mired down with minutia and lose sight of what we really need to be doing.

39. To lose sight of paired magnetic dipole brim and to equate bound current element, making certain direction and magnitude of a force upon it by Ampere Law.

40. 11 Never should we lose sight of the fact that the basis on which Jehovah God grants forgiveness was provided by him at great cost to himself.

41. Neither calamities nor personal shortcomings, no matter how many, will overwhelm us if we do not lose sight of the fact that our blessings ‘are more numerous than we can recount.’

42. The big problem with Brinksmanship is that it is easy to lose sight of what really matters: national security and financial soundness can get lost in the noise of rattling sabers or pre-election posturing

43. So our reviewing from time to time the Scriptural proof that we are living close to the end of this system will help us not to lose sight of the important truths regarding that coming end.

44. At no point in time we must lose sight of the fact that it is a once in a life time chance in which a pilgrim expends the savings he would have painstakingly accumulated over his life time.

45. Under the deluge of minute-to-minute text conversations, e-mails, relentless exchange of media channels and passwords and apps and reminders and Tweets and tags, we lose sight of what all this fuss is supposed to be about in the first place: Ourselves.

46. Verily, these pious Anathematisers ask our credulity a little too much.' In their zeal for the God of Israel, they are apt to forget that only Himself can compass impossibilities, and altogether lose sight of the fact that where, who, or what Jehovah is, no man knoweth

47. The door is already slightly ajar, but on no account must we lose sight of the fact that the Helsinki Summit failed to adopt the recommendations of the Committee of Wise Men under the direction of Mr Dehaene following the excellent proposals prepared by the European Commission under the direction of Commissioner Barnier.

48. " Briefly , I find in these poems a sort of ultimate common sense , a reminder of one thing and forty things which we are ever likely to lose sight of in the confusion of our Western life , in the racket of our cities , in the jabber of manufactured literature , in the vortex of advertisement .

49. Bowelling to go down with a flop záloglekötés Azot bakterisi corail (n.) yitirmek brzda зависимая Нейрон Гольджи ІI типа cert snifter maulán soldeerkussen обтирать (v.) tactlessness alçar-se conjuro odjeća od plastičnih masa ұйымдастыру earth-shaking repäisyindeksi to lose sight of Sta

50. ‘Switzerland's Christian Zehnder and Balthasar Streiff are more than simply a duo playing the human voice and the sonorous, avalanche-inducing Alpenhorn off each other.’ ‘In the rarefied atmosphere of Davos, amid the snow-covered Swiss mountains and the distant sound of yodelling and Alpenhorn, it is easy to lose sight of more down-to