loquitur in English

(he or she) speaks (with the speaker's name following, as a stage direction or to inform the reader).
Beside it, on the margin in MS., is the word" Action." Not a word of it was said. It was simply done. Again, immediately below that on the same page - Sikes' loquitur -" 'Oh! you haven't".

Use "loquitur" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "loquitur" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "loquitur", or refer to the context using the word "loquitur" in the English Dictionary.

1. 5 Introduction of the Common Law should res ipsa loquitur of the way.

2. In such a case the purchaser may plead res ipsa loquitur - the facts speak for themselves.

3. 3 Res ipsa loquitur proven method has its advantages in handling damages in medical tort cases.

4. 1 In such a case the purchaser may plead res ipsa loquitur - the facts speak for themselves.

5. 2 The principle of res ipsa loquitur is a special evidence rule or doctrine in Anglo-American tort law.

6. The principle of res ipsa loquitur is a special evidence rule or doctrine in Anglo-American tort law.

7. 4 Res ipsa loquitur does not normally entail a presumption of the defendant's fault, nor a shift in the burden of proof.

8. Neque Admirationem istud potest movere quandoquidem Apostolus, suum ut in Christo Ecclesiaque explicet munus, loquitur de “filiolis suis quos iterum parturit” (Cfr

9. Ad quintum dicendum, quod Philosophus, III De anima, loquitur de cognitione intellectus Connaturali nobis secundum statum viae; et hoc modo Deus non cognoscitur a nobis nisi per phantasma, non sui ipsius, sed causati sui per quod in ipsum devenimus

10. Sed cuncta quidem Regula loquitur de vobis ut sapientiam inculcet vobis et prudentiam, immotam repugnantiam vitiis ac promotionem virtutis, Commiserationem erga debiles atque in primis illam discretionem Romanam et christianam quae illustrem codicem Regulae vestrae velut peculiari nota distinguit causamque maximam efficit cur quoquoversus