long parliament in English

the English Parliament that sat from November 1640 to March 1653, was restored for a short time in 1659, and finally voted its own dissolution in 1660. It was summoned by Charles I and sat through the English Civil War and on into the interregnum that followed.

Use "long parliament" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "long parliament" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "long parliament", or refer to the context using the word "long parliament" in the English Dictionary.

1. A remnant of the long parliament Assembled during the anarchy, and has been termed the rump

2. Monck and his army marched into the City of London and forced the Rump Parliament to re-admit members of the Long Parliament who had been excluded in December 1648 during Pride's Purge.

3. ‘George was attainted in 1477 and murdered in the Tower of London the following year.’ ‘After Attainting Strafford and repudiating Charles's policies during the 1630s, the Long Parliament had turned its attention to the Church and proposed the abolition of bishops and their replacement by a …

4. ‘George was Attainted in 1477 and murdered in the Tower of London the following year.’ ‘After attainting Strafford and repudiating Charles's policies during the 1630s, the Long Parliament had turned its attention to the Church and proposed the abolition of bishops and their replacement by a …