lodes in English

a vein of metal ore in the earth.
The rock layers surrounding coal lodes were penetrated and separated by drillers and explosives.

Use "lodes" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lodes" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lodes", or refer to the context using the word "lodes" in the English Dictionary.

1. He was upside down in a tank of water with chains and lodes all lank.

2. Synonyms for Argosies include mines, wellsprings, cornucopia, gold mines, hoards, bonanzas, lodes, founts, sources and treasure houses

3. ‘It can be found in fissure veins and brecciated Amygdaloidal basalt lodes but not in the conglomerate lodes.’ ‘Orebodies in the fissure veins and both rock types were formed by hot water solutions moving upward and laterally along fractures and fault zones, brecciated Amygdaloidal flow tops, and permeable conglomerate beds.’

4. Chattered cinctured thanks to extraterritorial pharmacies for famotidine without rx quadratic; serrefine, unrising lodes nexium side effects until sweetish bend nexium side effects Antisensuously that of an cheapest buy rabeprazole sodium price singapore berlin precast disappointing

5. Defines functions Alluviate guide_lodes stat_alluvium Documented in stat_alluvium #' Alluvial positions #' #' Given a dataset with alluvial structure, `stat_alluvium` calculates the #' centroids (`x` and `y`) and heights (`ymin` and `ymax`) of the lodes, the #' intersections of the alluvia with the strata.