livingstone in English

a small succulent southern African plant that resembles a pebble in appearance. It consists of two fleshy cushionlike leaves divided by a slit through which a daisylike flower emerges.

Use "livingstone" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "livingstone" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "livingstone", or refer to the context using the word "livingstone" in the English Dictionary.

1. Reproduced by kind permission of Churchill Livingstone.

2. Super Buddies, a very talented young man, Mr. Bartleby Livingstone.

3. 20 Mr Livingstone accused the government of being underhand.

4. 22 These falls were named after queen Victoria, by a Scottish Explorer,[] David Livingstone.

5. 23 So we started from Livingstone and the first 60 potholed kilometers claimed my number plate.

6. The Comoros Islanders had returned to Zanzibar and (falsely) informed authorities that Livingstone had died.

7. A lake of southeast-central Africa between Tanzania, Mozambique, and Malawi. It was named by David Livingstone in 8

8. ‘Reports of mercury poisoning from beauty creams containing Calomel, or mercurous chloride, also surface regularly.’ ‘It includes the famous Livingstone Rousers - the combination of purgatives including Calomel, quinine, rhubarb, essence of jalop and opium - which Livingstone found effective in treating his bouts of malaria.’

9. A large Callosity forms on the shoulders of the regular Unyamwesi porters, from the heavy weights laid on them. The Last Journals of David Livingstone, in Central Africa, from 1865 to His Death, Volume I (of 2), 1866-1868 David Livingstone

10. What that figure suggests is that Livingstone has become the vessel into which all the assorted gripes against Blairism have collected.

11. Bushbuck River House is a quiet b ed and breakfast safari lodge on the outskirts of Livingstone, Zambia, only 30 mins from Victoria Falls

12. The line had been laid from Livingstone, on the southern border, to the Copper Belt area and the Congo border adjacent to the Copper Belt.

13. London Mayor Ken Livingstone thinks Iraq is driving "disaffected young Muslims" to murderous self-immolation, in apparent ignorance or disregard that three of the suspects are medical doctors.

14. Founded by Scottish missionaries in 1876, and named after the town in South Lanarkshire, Scotland, where explorer David Livingstone was born, Blantyre is Malawi's second-largest city.

15. Because of the strong E set of the current at the junction of Livingstone and Ballards Reef Channels, mariners are advised to favor the W side, if draft permits

16. ‘The only difference now is that instead of white Bwanas there are dark-skinned leeches from our own villages.’ ‘It has often been suggested that Livingstone was only successful when he was leading Africans who saw him as their bwana.’

17. ‘In an editorial statement in ‘Asian Voice’ Mr Patel Admonishes Mr Livingstone for ignoring non-English language media in the publishing section.’ ‘He admonished them for stealing and told them it was a great sin to steal apples from his orchard.’

18. Since then thousands of people have thrown themselves down the Batoka Gorge in Livingstone, Zambia! Opt for the basic Abseil, the gorge swing, the high wire, the rap jump and the whoopie slide, or do all of them in a full day booking.

19. In ipsius originali in-feo-famento earundem content per quondam Wilielmum vel Jacobum Livingstone de Jerviswoode, patri vel avo dieti Claudii Assedat, locat et alienat, secundum formnm et tenorem eorum originalis in-feofamenti earundem, quodquidem in-feofamentum per expressum in liac præsenti carta reservabitur.”

20. 1 day ago · With icing waved off, Jake Livingstone retrieved the puck, went coast to coast, dodging three Bobcats, going wide of a fourth and Backhanding a pass to Cade Borchardt for a devastating conversion to tie the game with 62 seconds left

21. Livingstone wrote in a letter to the editor of the New York Herald: And if my disclosures regarding the terrible Ujijian slavery should lead to the suppression of the East Coast slave trade, I shall regard that as a greater matter by far than the discovery of all the Nile sources together.

22. Agro is an Australian puppet and media personality, operated by comedian and voice artist Jamie Dunn.He was especially prominent on Australian television in the 1990s due to his co-hosting opposite Ann-Maree Biggar and Terasa Livingstone of Agro's Cartoon Connection, a children's program that was aired from 1989 to 1997 on weekday mornings by the Seven Network

23. Finally, unable to face the Baleful glares of his junior colleagues any longer, Livingstone gave in last week and paid his staff their overdue February salaries "Which of you two low-life sleazeballs killed Murdoch?" There was no answer, only Baleful stares most people have experiences in infancy which made them feel weak, insignificant, foolish, ignorant, dirty, unloved.