little black book in English

small book containing names addresses and telephone numbers

Use "little black book" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "little black book" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "little black book", or refer to the context using the word "little black book" in the English Dictionary.

1. That everyone thinks that Scylla Is just the Company's little Black book.

2. She was sitting in an armchair in the library, murmuring words over a little black book.

3. Bummy has fallen hard for his new girlfriend, Gloria -- so much so that he's even thrown away his little black book

4. Admirers, both female and male, are listed in my Little Black Book for the very modest monthly fee of just $4.95 a month

5. A giddy Frasier mistakenly believes he's the object of a secret female Admirer's affection, and even though he's squiring around an attractive new woman who adores him, he sneakily rings up every number in his little black book.