literal meaning in English

meaning according to the exact words (as opposed to an implied meaning)

Use "literal meaning" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "literal meaning" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "literal meaning", or refer to the context using the word "literal meaning" in the English Dictionary.

1. Coprolite fossilized animal waste (literal meaning ‘dung stone’)

2. What is the literal meaning of this word?

3. The literal meaning of the Yiddish word Bupkis is nothing

4. In this context, the word Abracadabra has no literal meaning

5. The literal meaning of 'television' is 'seeing from a distance'.

6. Connote: To suggest or imply in addition to literal meaning

7. The literal meaning of the word " cat " is an animal.

8. A word or phrase denotes its literal meaning (i.e., its dictionary definition), and it Connotes all the meanings and associations it bears in addition to its literal meaning

9. Denote A word or phrase denotes its literal meaning (i.e., its dictionary definition), and it Connotes all the meanings and associations it bears in addition to its literal meaning

10. So what are they? Apophyllite’s literal meaning comes from the Greek words …

11. Imply in addition to the literal meaning; intimate: Home cooking Connotes comfort food.

12. The Meaning: The literal meaning of word Ashrama is “a halting or resting place”

13. Music had Arrogated to itself the most important, individual characteristic of text, its literal meaning.

14. Often, a Colloquialism will mean something other than its literal meaning, making it an idiom.

15. Chapeau is the French for ‘hat’, and is sometimes used with this literal meaning in English

16. Its literal meaning is “the Affiant says nothing further” or “the Affiant has nothing further to say”

17. The literal meaning of “Balikbayan” is a Filipino living abroad who returns back to the homeland - the Philippines.

18. What is the literal meaning of the Greek word for “long-suffering,” and what does the word denote?

19. As Leon Brittan has pointed out, the phrase doesn't even carry the same literal meaning in every language.

20. Focusing on the literal meaning “already”, a company positions itself as prepared, in charge, and quick: Alreadiness is all.

21. When you're talking about the implied subtext of words rather than their literal meaning, reach for the noun Connotation

22. A Connotation is a non-literal framing of a term that intends to add an association beyond its literal meaning

23. In contrast with the dominant trend in rabbinic Judaism, Rashi always sought to highlight the simple, literal meaning of a text.

24. Additionally, for centuries a strong trend within rabbinic Judaism led people away from looking into the literal meaning of the Bible text.

25. The literal meaning of the maxim ‘Actio personalis moritur cum persona’ is a personal right of Action dies with the person

26. This figurative sense of Crucible is based on the literal meaning of the word: a heat-resistant container used to melt metals

27. Allegory, therefore, is a tool whereby a writer conveys hidden, mysterious truths by the use of words which also have a literal meaning.

28. (of a word, phrase, etc) to imply or suggest (associations or ideas) other than the literal meaning: the word "maiden" Connotes modesty.

29. Although Alpargata is literally the Spanish word for “espadrille,” here in Argentina the name is associated with this distinctive style rather than its literal meaning

30. Therefore, too much to Bare has an entirely different literal meaning than too much to bear.It would refer to excessive exposure rather than excessive burdens.

31. Strict Constructionists often look only at the literal meaning of the words in question, or at their historical meaning at the time the law was written.

32. Contagious The literal meaning—spread by touch or direct contact—has given way to a looser usage and the term is now used simply to mean ‘infectious’

33. The literal meaning of this word's Latin root is "very pleased," but even though Complacent people may seem pleased with themselves, we are rarely pleased …

34. You will be able to distinguish between the denotative (dictionary) meaning of a word and its Connotative (emotions or associations that are implied rather than literal) meaning.

35. The word Anarchy comes from the Greek and its literal meaning is without government: the condition of a people who live without a constituted authority, without government.

36. A Connotation is a commonly understood cultural or emotional association that any given word or phrase carries, in addition to its explicit or literal meaning, which is its denotation.

37. Absis Absis or APSIS (the former more correct in Latin) (), in its literal meaning from ἅπτω, is a fastening of any kind; for example, the meshes of a net

38. Connote A connotation is a commonly understood cultural or emotional association that some word or phrase carries, in addition to its explicit or literal meaning, which is its denotation

39. The literal meaning of the Italian word ‘Andante’ is ‘at a walking pace’, with suggestions of ‘easy-going’; or it could be simply ‘uniform’, like the regularity of a walker’s tread

40. Yet, with his deep insight into Biblical Hebrew terms, syntax, and grammar and his constant effort to discern the plain and literal meaning of the text, Rashi provides a meaningful source of comparison for Bible researchers and translators.

41. The literal meaning of the French noun Chauffeur (from the verb chauffer, meaning "to heat") is "one that heats." In the early days of automobiles, French speakers extended the word to those who drove the …

42. Appropriation—whose literal meaning is taking something for one’s own purposes, usually without the owner’s consent—thus, appropriately, expands the scope and potential for designers to access new and unexpected realms, thanks largely to giving their products’ users free rein.

43. The literal meaning (or denotation) of Wall Street, for instance, is "a street in lower Manhattan that's home to many financial institutions," but the same phrase's Connotations may include "wealth," "power," or "greed," depending on your experiences and opinions

44. Broom is an English word that, in this context, refers to a shrubby plant related to vetch, which is often parasitized by Broomrapes. So, the literal meaning of Broomrape is something akin to “broom tuber.” In other words, they are plants growing on the roots of vetch

45. ‘A Conventionalist claims that scientific laws or principles are not empirical descriptions of reality but arbitrary conventions or stipulations.’ ‘The Conventionalist's response to this will have to be that the conventions of language characterize only this literal meaning which speakers can then play around with in the ways Davidson

46. ‘A Conventionalist claims that scientific laws or principles are not empirical descriptions of reality but arbitrary conventions or stipulations.’ ‘The Conventionalist's response to this will have to be that the conventions of language characterize only this literal meaning which speakers can then play around with in the ways Davidson

47. On the other hand, Tibetologist Guntram Hazod records a local story that explains the mountain's name in terms of its literal meaning in the Standard Tibetan language: shisha, which means "meat of an animal that died of natural causes" and sbangma which means "malt dregs left over from brewing beer".

48. A saying that expresses something other than the literal meaning of the words it contains is a Colloquialism, like saying "I wasn't born yesterday," to mean "you can't fool me." Colloquialism comes from the Latin word colloquium meaning "conference, conversation," or literally "a speaking together."

49. The literal meaning of the original Accadian word is explained as "a day on which work is unlawful," and the Assyrian translation Sabattu signifies cc a day of rest for the heart." Further, the legends of creation, of the tree of life, and of the deluge, mentioned in Genesis and also in Assyrian records, were well known to the Accadians, and