line item in English

an entry that appears on a separate line in a bookkeeping ledger or a fiscal budget.
Court funding, lacking a separate line item in the federal budget, was haphazard and severely inadequate.

Use "line item" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "line item" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "line item", or refer to the context using the word "line item" in the English Dictionary.

1. When you set up a CPA line item, you associate activities with the line item.

2. This non-delivery cause means that the line item was selected as the winner among reservation line item candidates, but ultimately lost to a remnant line item with a higher CPM.

3. All line item exports contain the following information:

4. Finish trafficking your line item and save it.

5. Uneditable proposal line item settings in sold proposals:

6. Review the line item status to confirm it's active.

7. Line item 1 targets placement "Animals", but not placement "Pets".

8. Action: Relax restrictions as needed to improve line item delivery.

9. Line item impression delivery will occur within 30 minutes of activation.

10. (Optional) Click Add targeting to configure additional targeting for the line item.

11. When creating a line item, click Inventory in the "Add targeting" section.

12. They are included in ad tags and used in line item targeting.

13. Many Catering companies include gratuity as a line item on their bill

14. Add another targeting preset or any additional targeting to the line item.

15. All proposal line item actions and filtering are available in full screen.

16. Only after the buyer accepts will the corresponding delivery line item be updated.

17. At the same time, Display & Video 360 automatically creates a parallel line item.

18. Determines the price at which the line item competes with other line items.

19. Target the 1x1 line item to the ad unit created in step 1.

20. Line item forecasts account for serving restrictions such as frequency capping and roadblocks.

21. Several creatives being served from a line item together on the same webpage.

22. Native creatives may be mixed with other creative types in a display line item.

23. The amount of impressions or clicks that a line item is contracted to deliver.

24. To Categorise the taxes, you’ll have to enter them on a separate line item

25. This non-delivery cause typically means that the line item is operating as expected.

26. Use the AdSense line item type to specify where AdSense can access your inventory.

27. For a line item to be displayed, it needs to satisfy the following conditions:

28. If there is no value CPM, Ad Manager uses the line item CPM rate instead.

29. This doctype must be the first line item in the HTML code on your page.

30. The line item is now ready to be delivered once its start time is reached.

31. It displays the number of impressions that are expected to deliver for a line item.

32. If your line item only contains one creative, creative rotation rules don't have any effect.

33. Please don't go through each line item in the Budget—just give me the bare bones

34. Only after the buyer accepts will the corresponding delivery line item be archived and stop delivery.

35. Without access to both ad units, the roadblock line item can’t bid on one ad unit.

36. A value passed for a specific targeting key, which can be used in line item targeting.

37. You can also use line item targeting to target separate audience segments in an AND relationship.

38. A line item type typically used for ads that promote products and services chosen by you.

39. This follows the same process outlined for a new line item above, but uses updated information.

40. Reporting discrepancies are common and expected when multiple systems are used to measure line item delivery.

41. The line item size you need to enter for native varies based on the transaction type:

42. Impression value that reflects the estimated delivery for the lifetime of a programmatic non-guaranteed line item.

43. The count of active line items includes creatives with creative-level targeting assigned and any line item that:

44. You'll need to add at least one active creative for your click-tracking line item to record clicks.

45. To restore previous values after applying, you'll need to go back and edit each proposal line item manually.

46. This article describes setting up a brand awareness line item for TrueView in-stream and video discovery ads.

47. Action: Check the frequency caps set for this line item and make sure that they’re not overly restrictive.

48. In this case, you'll see a line item for tax withholding on the "Payments" page of your account.

49. Enabling optimized competition doesn't require any updates to your line item configurations or additional tags on your page.

50. If you start from a line item, the creative is associated with the advertiser specified in the order.