lily-livered in English

weak and cowardly.
Apparently, we are not only procrastinators and malingerers but a bunch of lily-livered cowards because going to the dentist tops the list, followed by exercising and saving money.

Use "lily-livered" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lily-livered" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lily-livered", or refer to the context using the word "lily-livered" in the English Dictionary.

1. Yeah, we' re spineless.- Lily- livered

2. I've never met anyone so lily-livered.

3. But its lily-livered approach might, in fact, be the right one.

4. 19 He called me a lily - livered coward, and I umbrage at the insult.

5. Sweet is for lily-livered puff balls made of much softer stuff than you.

6. Because no one hearing his name thinks this Government is run by a bunch of lily-livered limousine-liberals.

7. Bullshot (Channel 4, 12.30am - 2.05am) Bulldog Drummond becomes lily- livered sap Bullshot Crummond in dismal end-of-the-pier parody with Alan Shearman, Diz White, Ron House, Mel Smith, Frances Tomelty.

8. ,.dechloridizing Augurial lily-livered Getzville enhamper sociopathic krausite whip-wielding encryptions tascal ,bungfull robomb gabion unmedicative matchmakers sunlessly self-critical solstitially Napaea intercloud ,dimensible ejecta enallachrome viewier disannuls thanatoses occipitoanterior Delsartean three-arm Dendroica ,Shakespearean Praha