likud whip in English

controlling member of the Likud (Israeli political party)

Use "likud whip" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "likud whip" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "likud whip", or refer to the context using the word "likud whip" in the English Dictionary.

1. Following the withdrawal of Sharon from the Likud, Netanyahu was one of several candidates who vied for the Likud leadership.

2. Whip antenna: whip-shaped antenna used for sending and receiving waves.

3. There's no roads, Whip.

4. 'Anglos will come out in full force': Likud launches Anglo campaign 'Anglos will come out in full force this election.' Likud targets English-speaking voters, including Anglo townhall meeting.

5. The culture minister, Limor Livnat, a hardliner from the ruling Likud party, upped and fled.

6. He's running from the whip.

7. You wanna be minority whip.

8. We're offering you whip.

9. The whip cracked threateningly.

10. Netanyahu challenged Sharon for the leadership of the Likud party, but failed to oust Sharon.

11. Cane and whip do not wash.

12. The circus manager snapped his whip.

13. The driver pointed with his whip.

14. Bull·whipped , bull·whip·ping , bull·whips To whip or beat with a Bullwhip

15. Can't you whip up the horses?

16. American Whip, Bullwhip designs by Joseph Strain handplaited from the finest kangaroo leather Northern Whip Co

17. why I'm your whip hand. LINCOLN:

18. The stagecoach driver cracked the whip.

19. Antiganting Eliminate white sugar and whip again

20. He thrashed the horse with his whip.

21. Acuminulate Yuapin whip-marked anteflected cherubim costopleural

22. He gave a flick of the whip.

23. Whip up these easy yet impressive Appetizers

24. What should I whip up for dinner?

25. Including the Majority Whip, Jackie Sharp.