lieutenant governor in English

the executive officer of a state who is next in rank to a governor and who takes the governor's place in case of disability or death.
The anti-lottery effort, led by evangelical churches and a conservative Republican lieutenant governor , spent less than half that amount and won anyway in a landslide.

Use "lieutenant governor" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lieutenant governor" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lieutenant governor", or refer to the context using the word "lieutenant governor" in the English Dictionary.

1. Senate members are appointed to Committees by the Lieutenant Governor

2. Palin will hand power to her deputy, lieutenant governor Sean Parnell.

3. Polito, Lieutenant Governor Stephanie Pollack, MassDOT Secretary & CEO Measuring Left-Behinds on Subway

4. No one pictured a lieutenant governor with a disability when Queen's Park was built.

5. South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford says he be out of office by his lieutenant governor.

6. An unscientific poll of my friends revealed that no one knew who the lieutenant governor was.

7. Authority Codes > Summary > N154 - Supplementary Retirement Benefit Account - Lieutenant Governor Accounts (LGSA) Institutional links

8. He later served as lieutenant governor and a brief stint as the unpopular governor of Massachusetts.

9. Palin said she will formally step down July and Lieutenant Governor Sean Parnell will be inaugurated.

10. Following Blagojevich's removal, Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn quickly was sworn into office as the new Illinois governor.

11. Three years as a legislative liaison, six years in the state senate[], four tedious years as lieutenant governor.

12. Councillors The Governor's Council is composed of eight individuals elected from districts, and the Lieutenant Governor who serves ex officio.

13. He is a former presidential campaign aide, whose father was lieutenant governor of Virginia and now head's that state's Republican party.

14. After two terms in office, she earned statewide recognition by pursuing the nomination for lieutenant governor — which she lost by only 000 votes.

15. Appearing on the same broadcast, Illinois Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn described Blagojevich as a man who became increasingly isolated during his time in office.

16. In 18 Sarah married William Wirt Winchester, son of Oliver Fisher Winchester, Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut and manufacturer of the famous Winchester repeating rifle.

17. Spitzer said his resignation will take effect on Monday at the request of Lieutenant Governor David Paterson to provide time for an orderly transition.

18. I could no longer devote any time to the job, and Lieutenant Governor Jim Guy Tucker was more than ready and able to take over.

19. Adjunct Faculty, General Counsel and Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of Governor Tim Walz and Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan Roshan Rajkumar Adjunct Faculty, Hiring Partner at …

20. Lieutenant Governor Jim Guy Tucker, House Speaker John Lipton, and Senate President Jerry Bookout assured me they would take care of the state in my absence.

21. His father is chairman of the Republican Party in Virginia, former assistant secretary of the Education Department's office of special education and former lieutenant governor of Virginia.

22. Under Edmund Fanning, lieutenant-governor from 1787-1804, and his immediate successors, escheat implied little more than the transfer of proprietorship from absentee to resident landlord.

23. If the apparent Republican victory is sustained, each political party would hold 20 seats in the next legislature, with the Republican lieutenant governor holding the tie-breaking vote.

24. In 2011, Edwin M. Lee was selected by the board to finish the term of Gavin Newsom, who resigned to take office as Lieutenant Governor of California.

25. On March Consul General Gao Yanping met with Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal, Lieutenant Governor Jay Dardenne and Secretary of State Tom Schedler in Baton Rouge, Capital city of Louisiana.

26. I also won the caucuses in Hawaii, thanks to Governor John Waihee, and in Missouri, where Lieutenant Governor Mel Carnahan endorsed me, despite having his own primary campaign for governor.

27. The Honourable Ms. Mayann E. Francis, Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia (second from the right) talks with Charles Hart (Right), Manager of the Learning and Career Centre in Windsor Park at the African Heritage event.

28. Scranton's visit to Three Mile Island did not signal the end of the crisis, but it did remove some of the haunting mystery of the event for the Lieutenant Governor and those he worked with.

29. ‘Their organization was strictly hierarchical, into priorates, then Bailiwicks and lastly commanderies.’ ‘The queen appoints a lieutenant-governor as her representative in the two Bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey.’ ‘They are still causing mayhem in their southern bailiwick.’

30. ‘Their organization was strictly hierarchical, into priorates, then Bailiwicks and lastly commanderies.’ ‘The queen appoints a lieutenant-governor as her representative in the two Bailiwicks of Jersey and Guernsey.’ ‘They are still causing mayhem in their southern bailiwick.’

31. 1755 Acadians refuse to sign an oath of allegiance to Britain that would make them loyal to the Crown instead of being “French neutrals.” British Lieutenant Governor Charles Lawrence and the Nova Scotia Council decide on July 28 to deport the Acadians

32. The late assassinations of Lord Mayo and Chief Justice Norman, though not committed by Malays, would be called “Amoks.”] In the case of the Lieutenant-Governor of Singapore, his being “amoked” appears to have been a mere chance collision, the intended victim having been another native by whom the “amoker” had been imprisoned

33. #10 Main Street, Millarville Hamlet OPEN TO MEDIA His Excellency – Discussion with Alberta-based documentary filmmakers 2:00 p.m. His Excellency Jean-Daniel Lafond will participate in a discussion with filmmakers, youth and cultural leaders on the themes of democracy, civic engagement and affecting change in a community. River Café, Prince’s Island Park, Calgary OPEN TO MEDIA Dinner hosted by His Honour the Honourable Norman Kwong, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta 7:00 p.m. The Lieutenant Governor and the Governor General will deliver remarks. McDougall Centre, 455 6 Street SW, Calgary OPEN TO MEDIA FOR REMARKS Saturday, May 6 – Calgary Civic call on the City of Calgary 10:00 a.m. Official welcome ceremony The Governor General will be greeted by His Worship Dave Bronconnier, Mayor of Calgary.

34. En And further we the Aforenamed Delegates do promise and engage with the Honourable Lawrence Armstrong; Lieutenant Governor and Commanded in Chief of His Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia or Acadie to live in peace with His Majesty's Good Subjects and their dependants in the Government according to the Articles agreed on with Major Paul Makarene sic commissioner for that purpose and …

35. And further we the aforenamed Delegates do promise and engage with the Honourable Lawrence Armstrong; Lieutenant Governor and Commanded in Chief of His Majesty's Province of Nova Scotia or Acadie to live in peace with His Majesty's Good Subjects and their dependants in the Government according to the Articles agreed on with Major Paul Makarene sic commissioner for that purpose and further to be ratified as mentioned in the said Articles.2 This article was included in the treaty at the behest of Nova Scotia authorities, who were fearful that Massachusetts might sign a separate peace and leave them alone to face the Indians.