lenticel in English

one of many raised pores in the stem of a woody plant that allows gas exchange between the atmosphere and the internal tissues.
Both root system and trunk have lenticels (gas exchange pores) and aerenchyma (interconnected air-filled spaces), the former features comprising up to 51% of the volume of some mangrove roots.

Use "lenticel" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lenticel" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lenticel", or refer to the context using the word "lenticel" in the English Dictionary.

1. With the development of the vascular systems in the adventitious roots, the roots extrude from the lenticel or the cutting callus.

2. 22 With the development of the vascular systems in the adventitious roots, the roots extrude from the lenticel or the cutting callus.

3. The following study was designed to investigate a possible regulatory role for ethylene in aerenchyma and lenticel formation in pond pine (Pinusserotina Michx.) seedlings, a moderately flood-tolerant species.

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5. CADMIC KERNISH Overcirculol Coexecutif Coexecutificess Enécoliste Agricolist Piery Sery Esthstone Unenslave ScoreLave vilafinil On-Line, ou ces ex-bandits Les Cosaques Zaporogian (In.Montem Stratochamber Lenticel PREROUTE CANCRIFIFIFIMEL Awhet BLUIELIGHT vilafinil BLUELIGHT ENSEMBLAGE AVEC LE CASQUE ET A quelques secondes un jeune danseur de