legionnaires in English

a member of a legion, in particular an ancient Roman legion or the French Foreign Legion.
It is kind of a risky thing to write a pop song about a legionnaire stuck in a desert.

Use "legionnaires" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "legionnaires" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "legionnaires", or refer to the context using the word "legionnaires" in the English Dictionary.

1. Balteus or Cingulum- belt worn by Roman Legionnaires

2. We were learning what it was like to be legionnaires.

3. The Legionnaires march drew a large crowd of veterans, their families and some students.

4. Okay, I will send you 1,000 of our best former legionnaires.

5. Cohorts are groups of forty legionnaires who serve the Twelfth Legion

6. The unyielding chief of police is liquidated by American Legionnaires... portraying Red trigger men

7. Legionnaires on Thursday requested removal of four works that they found particularly offensive.

8. She paid for the Regiment's presents each Christmas and presented them to the legionnaires.

9. The unyielding chief of police is liquidated by American Legionnaires... portraying Red trigger men.

10. While the fighting took place in open country, the Legionnaires and Regulares were in their element.

11. Soon after the verdict, Legionnaires held their annual March 16 parade to commemorate their war dead.

12. Those with Legionnaires' disease usually have fever, chills, and a cough, which may be dry or may produce sputum.

13. Short Swords & Cutlasses Short swords have seen usage throughout history, from the Legionnaires to Renaissance squires and pirates

14. 25 Their Arab legionnaires galloped behind, firing their rifles exuberantly into the sky like extras in a Beau Geste film.

15. But for the brave legionnaires who surrounded my litter, protecting me, I should have died under the hail of stones.

16. Beer followed pizza and we looked round the Roman amphitheatre which had been built by Roman legionnaires 800 years before.

17. Legionella pneumophila is known as the causative agent of Legionnaires' disease and free-living Amoebae (FLA) can serve as vehicles for legionellae

18. The Sergeant-Major had said that like all other legionnaires we would learn to sing in perfect time, so sing we would.