lavas in English

hot molten or semifluid rock erupted from a volcano or fissure, or solid rock resulting from cooling of this.
Bombs are pieces of molten lava that are thrown out of the volcano.

Use "lavas" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "lavas" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lavas", or refer to the context using the word "lavas" in the English Dictionary.

1. The lake was possibly ponded by lavas.

2. The lower flanks consist of mostly basaltic and some andesitic lavas.

3. However, it seems that these lavas were originally basaltic andesites.

4. Basaltic lavas are more fluid than andesites or dacites, which contain more silica

5. These lavas are part of the Albian (late Early Cretaceous) age Strand Fiord Formation.

6. However, this doesn’t mean that Basaltic lavas always flow quietly from the Earth.

7. But what about those lavas that solidify into one homogeneous lump, without crystallizing?

8. Chromite is a widespread accessory mineral in olivine-rich cumulates derived from komatiitic lavas.

9. And tephrite (lavas, lava breccias, and tu s); (3) the lower terrigenous–volcanogenic (Augitite) sequence (up to 750 m thick) is composed of Augitite and limbourgite lavas, tu s, and tu tes with conglomerate and siltstone interbed

10. Each volcano consists of basalt-andesite lavas and volcaniclastic sediments, mainly of low alkali tholeiite composition.

11. In exceptional cases also acid hyaloclastites can be originated by submarine extrusion of acid lavas.

12. It consists of a thick turbidite sequence covered by an interdigitated sequence of lavas and alluvial cone sediments.

13. Thereafter the effusion of lavas was dominant through Holocene times with the latest lavas becoming slightly more acidic (62% SiO2). 30–40 km to the W and SW of the Coropuna some outliers of the coastal batholites are exposed.

14. Filled cavities in lavas are called amygdales, and a rock full of them can be called Amygdaloidal

15. Sometimes the lavas are hard and dense, broken but in place and easy to pick up with the manipulator.

16. The gabbro intrusions and adjoining pillow lavas and dykes are already part of the older alpine (ophiolitic) stage.

17. Accretionary and cored lapilli in the tuffs and pillows in the lavas suggest emplacement in a shallow marine environment.

18. Cherts studied from the southern Barberton greenstone belt are identified as replacement products of various pillow lavas, pyroclastic deposits, and sedimentary deposits

19. The opinion that a sialic basement could be absent beneath this island conforms with the absence of acid (liparitic) lavas.

20. Kouth-e-Shasavaran massif in South Iran (Baloutchistan) consists of Pliocene and Quaternary cale-alkaline lavas. Fourty one new chemical analysis have been carried out to identify the volcanic rock series. Andesites are more abundant than basic thigh alumina basalts) and acid lavas (dacites and rhyodacites).

21. Andesitic lavas with tephritic tendencies prevail and differ from the pacific and mediterranean, anatectic products of Stromboli, Vulcano and Vulcanello.

22. Many of the rocks are lavas of Cretaceous and Tertiary geological ages with apparently little mineralization except around the plateau edges.

23. Basaltic lavas are frequently spongy or pumiceous; the steam cavities become filled with secondary minerals such as calcite, chlorite, and zeolites

24. Hyaloclastization and auto-brecciation of acid lavas are an example of convergency: through both processes more or less similar deposits are formed.

25. Rock types found in the mountainous volcanic districts include rhyolites, trachytes, dacites, andesites, basaltic lavas, widespread pyroclastic formations, and associated alluvial and lacustrine deposits.

26. Trace-element data indicate these alkalic lavas have been generated by small, but variable, amounts of partial melting of a meta-somatized lherzolite source.

27. Subaerial Basaltic flows and breccia and submarine Basaltic breccia, pillow lavas, lapilli and augite-rich tuff with interbeds of Basaltic sandstone, siltstone, and conglomerate

28. Filled cavities in lavas are called amygdales, and a rock full of them can be called Amygdaloidal. The amygdales are usually white in colour.

29. The low degree of polymerization and high temperature favors chemical diffusion, so it is common to see large, well-formed phenocrysts within mafic lavas.

30. Eight to ten per cent of the postglacial lavas and tephras and about 25 per cent of the historical ones are acid or intermediate.

31. Amygdaloid Island is composed of the oldest lavas of the PLV on Isle Royale and is supported by a large flow, the Amygdaloid Island flow …

32. In particularity for Iceland the possibility is discussed, that the formation of acid hyaloclastites also may occur in case of subglacial eruptions of acid lavas.

33. After the creation of olivinic — pyroxenic andesites followed the exit of trachyandesites, trachytic and dacitic lavas with final creation of rhyolite and of volcanic glasses.

34. Crustal Cycling of oceanic crust through mantle reservoirs can therefore explain observations of different recycled oceanic Crustal ages and explain the chemical complexity of hotspot lavas.

35. The main rock types present are monzonite and Banatite (a rock of intermediate composition between quartz diorite and quartz monzonite) plus basic and andesitic lavas and tuffs

36. Basaltic lavas tend to be fluid and form thin flows that have a considerable amount of primary pore space at the tops and bottoms of the flows

37. The lavas of the Kljuchevsky volcano which effused first and from higher horizons of the volcano, were somewhat more acid as compared to the following lava flows.

38. They grade in time from more acid to more basic lavas, and show an overall range of variation much larger toward the more felsic end than previously known.

39. Copper mineralization occurs mainly as disseminations around and in the altered stocks, and in the form of veins and stockworks and as impregnations in the surrounding lavas and pyroclastic rocks.

40. Peering through the porthole stationed on the port (left) side of the sub, it appears to Sinton that the 350-foot-high seamount is covered in pillow lavas with very little sediment cover.

41. Minette) might be classified as potassic trachybasalt, shoshonite, or latite using the total alkali-silica diagram (see TAS classification), or as absarokite, shoshonite, or Banakite using a classification sometimes applied to potassium-rich lavas

42. Pyroxenes were named this way because of their presence in volcanic lavas, where they are sometimes seen as crystals embedded in volcanic glass; it was assumed they were impurities in the glass, hence the name "fire strangers".

43. This assortment of mineral and rock components within alkalic lavas with apparent Mg enrichment is owed to a complex history that began with protracted mixing among primitive and differentiated tholeiitic magmas, probably near the end of shield building.

44. These heterogeneous lavas exhibit two distinct components: (1) an acid one, making up the light-coloured groundmass (fluidal rhyolite), and (2) a basic, dark, vitreous component in the shape of micro-pillows and/or flame-like patches.

45. One postshield vent erupted alkalic lavas (K2O 1.1–1.6 wt.%) with resorbed olivines of wide compositional range (cores, Fo86–71), resorbed Na-plagioclase (An57–30; largely andesine) and clinopyroxene (evolved; Mg#s 76–71), and groundmass orthopyroxene (Mg# ≤62).

46. The accumulation of plagioclase phenocrysts suggests extensive crystal fractionation of the Knee Lake magmas. The gradual transition in affinity of the Knee Lake lavas from tholeiitic to calc-alkaline can be explained by near-surface fractionation under constant fO2 conditions.

47. The formation of acid hyaloclastites is closely connected with the process of auto-brecciation proceeding during the extrusion of acid lavas; both processes work together and cause the disintegration of parts of extruding lavabodies (domes etc.) into a mass of volcano-clastic materials.

48. Petrographic Observations on Mixing of Acid and Basic Magmas: Genesis of the Dacitoïdes of the Qom-Aran Area (Central Iran) Among the Upper Eocene pyroclastic materials of the Qom-Aran area (Central Iran) there are rocks (named lava-breccias) with intermediate facies between lavas and pyroclastic rocks.

49. Only on the islet Yiali which consists exclusively of acid lavas (pumice stones, rhyolite, perlite) fossiliferous layers of marly limestone, sandstone and konglomerate are found, as much at the sea level as in the top of the layers of pumice stone, of tyrrhenian age.

50. The relatively primitive compositions (MgO > 9%), presence of mantle-derived xenoliths in some alkalic lavas, and presence of forsteritic olivine with low CaO and high NiO suggest that magma rose rapidly from greath depth without spending time in large, long-lived magma chambers.