landowners in English

a person who owns land, especially a large amount of land.
In areas that are privately owned, the council encourages the landowners to keep their land free from litter.

Use "landowners" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "landowners" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "landowners", or refer to the context using the word "landowners" in the English Dictionary.

1. The communist government expropriated the landowners.

2. The Bolsheviks expropriated the property of the landowners.

3. The new government expropriated the landowners from their estates.

4. The power of the landowners waned during this period.

5. The rich landowners subjugated the peasants working the land.

6. In addition, seven management agreements were signed with landowners.

7. This law remitted all the tax arrears of the landowners.

8. The way some landowners treat their tenants today seems almost feudal.

9. Some conflict between the Northmen and some of the landowners.

10. Landowners who owned small areas of forests were concerned because the 80% local property tax reduction would benefit only those forest landowners with 50 acres or more.

11. Their movements were Calculated to terrify landowners into abandoning their holdings

12. Landowners had the right to use the timber to the detriment of the dam

13. Landowners had the right to use the timber to the detriment of the dam.

14. Increasing demand allowed landowners to raise rents and grant leases on less advantageous terms.

15. The great rich men, landowners, coffee growers and cattlemen generally abandoned the land.

16. 18 Its landowners use much of their subsidized water to grow subsidized cotton.

17. Their movements through the region were calculated to terrify landowners into abandoning their holdings.

18. The differences between the landowners and the conservationists were irreconcilable from the start.

19. However, in called Cultural Revolution a social movement, the indiscriminate, all landowners have been down.

20. The very wealthy landowners managed their own distribution, which may have involved importing and exporting.

21. Promote stewardship among landowners abutting aquatic habitats of eastern sand darter and other local residents.

22. How far did the abandonment of demesne lands affect the income of the landowners?

23. Usually enclosure was forced through at the instigation and will of the greater landowners.

24. Additionally, inheritances had divided family properties, and landowners increasingly had to turn to moneylenders for support.

25. Over time, the house was expanded to accommodate its function as the home of resident landowners.

26. Chancel repair liability is a matter of concern for both the legal profession and landowners

27. Feudal landlord estate economy is one economic model of the economy of Chinas feudal landowners.

28. Legally dispossessed, the big landowners have almost everywhere recovered their advantage over the small peasants.

29. 8 Their movements through the region were calculated to terrify landowners into abandoning their holdings.

30. In this way, a small number of landowners can control the peasantry in rural areas.

31. The new landowners are not planning to import new topsoil to make their African acquisitions more arable.

32. None of the neighbouring landowners were aware of these line Alterings, right-of-way, or easement agreements

33. Conservationists, who are employed by either private landowners or federal, state, or local governments, make sure landowners follow government regulations and take appropriate measures to protect habitats. They advise farmers and ranchers to help them improve their land and control erosion

34. The best Conservation work comes from true partnerships between landowners, agencies, non-profits, municipalities and other stakeholders

35. Improvements to rented property may raise rents to the detriment of the producers as opposed to the landowners.

36. In cities like New York and Philadelphia, wealthy landowners began hiring watchmen to guard their estates.

37. There is likely to be tension between landlord and tenant, between large landowners and impecunious peasants.

38. 24 But that effort has been stalled; local landowners claim the state improperly took their land.

39. In the 1835–36 legislative session, he voted to expand suffrage beyond white landowners to all white males.

40. She says bluntly what she thinks about landowners, the Royal Family, social injustice and access to the hills.

41. Consequently, the Franco regime could not institute a programme of land reform without arousing the hostility of the landowners.

42. Muhammad Mossadeq came from a wealthy family of landowners who had served a minister to the Cadgers.

43. The landowners lived centrally, and around them, in concentric circles as it were, lived the working people.

44. 14 Opponents painted a more apocalyptic picture, warning of foreign landowners and even invoking the specter of civil war.

45. The king, the monasteries, and local landowners all wanted to control Advowsons because they meant political, social, and economic influence

46. Annexation petitions can be requested by landowners who would like to receive the City of Raleigh water and sewer services

47. Chancel repair liability is a law that requires some landowners to pay for repairs to their local church

48. Implementation of the Government’s land allocation programme would deprive the village landowners of the benefits of Christian labour.

49. We are instituting a rational framework for acquisition of land without causing distress to farmers and other landowners.

50. Implementation of the Government's land allocation programme would deprive the village landowners of the benefits of Christian labour