landing field in English

landing runway, level strip of land where airplanes or helicopters land

Use "landing field" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "landing field" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "landing field", or refer to the context using the word "landing field" in the English Dictionary.

1. A plane orbited over the landing field.

2. Airstrip definition, a small landing field having only one runway

3. One in the Indian Ocean has an emergency landing field for jet airliners.

4. 360° Autorotation: If a suitable landing field is directly in front of the helicopter, but the helicopter is still too high to reach the landing field with a straight-in Autorotation (i.e

5. Airdrome definition, a landing field for airplanes that has extensive buildings, equipment, shelters, etc.; airport

6. Airstrip (plural Airstrips) An aircraft landing field, usually with one runway and only basic facilities

7. She veered away and, with no alternative site in view crashed into the swamp abutting the landing field.

8. Airdrome, airport, drome airdock , hangar , repair shed - a large structure at an airport where aircraft can be stored and maintained airfield , flying field , landing field , field - a place where planes take off and land

9. As nouns the difference between Airstrip and runway is that Airstrip is an aircraft landing field, usually with only one runway and basic facilities while runway is an Airstrip, a (usually) paved section on which planes land or take off.

10. Approaching: 1 n the act of drawing spatially closer to something Synonyms: approach , coming Types: show 6 types hide 6 types access the act of Approaching or entering closing , closure Approaching a particular destination; a coming closer; a narrowing of a gap landing approach the approach to a landing field by an airplane run-up the