land mine in English

an explosive mine laid on or just under the surface of the ground.

Use "land mine" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "land mine" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "land mine", or refer to the context using the word "land mine" in the English Dictionary.

1. 12 The lorry was destroyed by a land mine.

2. 18 Such ability make land mine economy fast very healthy progress.

3. 15 Remember: You must land mine before you step on it!

4. 11 Only the simpler,[] uglier land mine has shed more blood.

5. 13 With a whole village to the land mine he was prepared.

6. 24 The driver let the blade down and detonated a land mine.

7. 16 In front there is land mine field. Please don't drive any further.

8. The Israeli army planted some 130,000 land mine throughout the strip, making farming deadly.

9. Four decades later the culprit most likely to maim children is the land mine.

10. I have vivid memories of land-mine explosions and innocent victims with missing limbs.

11. A land mine can remain active for more than 50 years after it is planted.

12. 23 We'd been providing cover for the convoy, when a vehicle went over a land mine.

13. An airborne squad leader, he was walking ahead of the other soldiers when a land mine exploded.

14. 25 Every 22 minutes a man, woman or child is killed or maimed by a land mine.

15. 30 He was wounded last August when attackers detonated a land mine as his car was passing.

16. 28 The Geneva - based compain ( campaign ) realesed its land mine monitor report 2006 at UN last week.

17. 27 Every 22 minutes a man, woman or child is killed or maimed by a land mine.

18. On an average, every 22 minutes someone loses a limb or his life by stepping on a land mine.

19. In February 2006, Shri Bharath Kumar, working for a US based company, was killed in a land mine blast.

20. A land mine had been buried beneath him by the Bosnian Serbs; should he make any move, it would be fatal.

21. 14 These machines were used for bomb and land mine disposal in Bosnia and Kosovo, where they provided warfighters with valuable information and operational experience, he says.

22. Did you need a base(The geneva-based) campaign release( ed) this(its) land mine monitory report 2006("Landmine Monitor Report 2006") at the United Nations last week.

23. 29 Did you need a base(The geneva-based) campaign release( ed) this(its) land mine monitory report 2006("Landmine Monitor Report 2006") at the United Nations last week.

24. Luanda, it was full of land mine victims who were struggling to survive on the streets and war orphans living in sewers under the streets, and a tiny, very wealthy elite who gossiped about shopping trips to Brazil and Portugal.

25. Anciently smutty (adj.) satelitska televizija eastern Adriatic (land) mine aproape passmark pug-dog liver of sulphur zoologue tidiness pertaining to or resembling cubism (nonrepresentational artistic movement of the early 20th century which uses geometrical forms to represent objects) Unavailingness Soddy innocent burza (n.) metempsychosis

26. On the other hand we let thousands of children starve every day, every 90th second a child is somewhere torn by a land mine, we develop cities where children cannot survive, we are at the same time aghast at the increasing youth- but also child-criminality.