lacan in English


family name; Jacques Lacan (1901-1981), influential French psychoanalyst who modified Freud's theory of human sexuality

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Below are sample sentences containing the word "lacan" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "lacan", or refer to the context using the word "lacan" in the English Dictionary.

1. Public Events & Seminars Analytica Clinical Seminar 2020 (Lacan) Ongoing Series, Lacan: Drive, Desire, Symptom, Jouissance

2. Eric Laurent - Lacan AnalysandPULSE: Paris US Lacan Seminar Autumn, 2011 http://www.lacan.comVideo by Albert Herter

3. Automatismen der Wiederholung: Aristoteles, Kierkegaard und Lacan

4. Jacques Lacan is very famous for his obscure and abstruse thought.

5. Jacques Lacan, as a post - psychoanalyst, the post - modern tendency of whose theory is remarkable.

6. However, in 1967, Lacan introduces the term analysant, based on the English term "Analysand"

7. But, for Jacques Lacan and other psychoanalytic theorists, the project to discover the real face remains a fantasy.

8. Animality in Lacan and Derrida: The Deconstruction of the Other transcendental empirical divide is one of the pair of opposites Derrida aims to decon- struct

9. It is in La relation d'objet that Lacan introduces the algebraic symbol for the barred Other, and lack comes to designate the lack of the signifier in the Other.

10. Lacan toiled to make a gradation arrangement for the Subject, but in the key level, Reality, he came to a sudden shut up, thus the structural existence of the Subject becomes unspeakable.

11. A chi aveva provato ad ironizzare malevolmente sulla dimensione "filosofica" del suo insegnamento sull'etica, sviluppato nel Seminario VII dedicato com'è noto a L'etica della psicoanalisi, dicendo di Attendersi un'estetica, Lacan aveva a suo modo risposto lasciando semplicemente cadere la questione.

12. According to some of his successors, including his daughter Anna Freud, the goal of therapy is to allow the patient to develop a stronger ego ; according to others, notably Jacques Lacan , the goal of therapy is to lead the analysand to a full acknowledgment of his or her inability to satisfy the most basic desires.

13. Essai sur l'Abjection) is a 1980 book by Julia Kristeva.The work is an extensive treatise on the subject of Abjection, in which Kristeva draws on the theories of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan to examine horror, marginalization, castration, the phallic signifier, the "I/Not I" dichotomy, the Oedipal complex, exile, and