knocked in English

strike a surface noisily to attract attention, especially when waiting to be let in through a door.
I knocked on the kitchen door
collide with (someone or something), giving them a hard blow.
he deliberately ran into her, knocking her shoulder
synonyms:collide withbump intobang intobe in collision withrun intocrash intosmash intoplow intobash into

Use "knocked" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "knocked" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "knocked", or refer to the context using the word "knocked" in the English Dictionary.

1. She knocked him senseless.

2. He knocked her semiconscious.

3. His knees knocked with fright.

4. He knocked his ass out.

5. I kinda knocked him out

6. He knocked down the price.

7. She knocked up against difficulties.

8. He knocked the nail out.

9. His suggestion was knocked down.

10. They knocked down the suggestion.

11. I kinda knocked him out.

12. Mrs. Markham was knocked out.

13. I knocked the nail out.

14. The fall knocked me senseless.

15. He knocked a glass over.

16. 19 She was knocked unconscious .

17. The Beggar knocked on the door

18. 12 The blow knocked him unconscious.

19. I got knocked dizzy right off.

20. I knocked lightly on the door.

21. The angry man knocked him down.

22. She accidentally knocked the glass off.

23. A snowball knocked his hat off.

24. I accidentally knocked a glass over.

25. Hurry up, you've been knocked on.

26. She knocked up against the table.

27. The impact knocked him off balance.

28. 3 Albi knocked tentatively and entered.

29. I carelessly knocked the chair down.

30. Brenda knocked the brandy back quickly.

31. Knocked 1968 into a cocked hat.

32. His daughter's death knocked Tom sideways.

33. He was knocked senseless by the blow.

34. Who knocked over that mug of coffee?

35. She was knocked down by a bus.

36. They have since knocked down the shack.

37. That knocked the stuffing out of everybody.

38. 7 We soon knocked over our competitor.

39. He knocked me flat with one punch.

40. 11 Hurry up, you've been knocked on.

41. It even knocked two traffic lights out.

42. She knocked the vase off by accident.

43. The boy knocked up against a tree.

44. The criticism had knocked her self-esteem.

45. He was knocked into a cocked hat.

46. The snowman must've knocked slappy's book down.

47. Yesterday a beggar knocked at my door.

48. She knocked her head on a stone.

49. The painting was knocked down for 5000.

50. He was knocked down by a bus.