kfar sava in English

city in the Sharon area in central Israel

Use "kfar sava" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "kfar sava" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "kfar sava", or refer to the context using the word "kfar sava" in the English Dictionary.

1. The ship port "Brod" on the Sava river is under construction.

2. Cassava Sciences (SAVA) stock is up by 747% year-to-date

3. Watch the official music video for #Ador performed by DJ Sava feat

4. Madagascar (especially the fertile Sava region) accounts for much of the global production of vanilla.

5. Circassians are even making waves in international soccer: Kfar Kama’s Bibras Natcho is a midfielder on Israel’s national team

6. Northern Bosnia contains very fertile agricultural land along the river Sava and the corresponding area is heavily farmed.

7. Before Kfar Saba had fully recovered, about a thousand Jewish refugees of the Tel Aviv and Jaffa deportation who were seeking shelter arrived.

8. Belgrade is an Eastern European capital in the north-central region of Serbia at the confluence of the Sava and Danube rivers

9. Sava Barvel was a Human female and a short time member of 181st Imperial Fighter Group during the Galactic Civil War

10. Salas pAgasts ir administratīva teritorija Salas novadā Daugavas kreisajā krastā Sēlijas ziemeļu daļā uz rietumiem no Jēkabpils.Robežojas ar sava novada Sēlpils pagastu, Jēkabpils pilsētu, Jēkabpils novada Ābeļu un Kalna pagastiem, Viesītes novada Viesītes lauku teritoriju un pa Daugavu ar Krustpils novada Krustpils pagastu

11. Belgrade, in the early twenty-first century the capital city of Serbia and Montenegro, is situated at the confluence of the Danube and Sava Rivers.Through the course of the twentieth century Belgrade served as the capital of Serbia (until 1918), of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes …

12. Balkan – "šumovite planine"), historijski i geografski region smješten na poluostrvu u jugoistočnoj Evropi.Granice poluostrva su definisane rijekama Kupa, Sava i Dunav sve do uliva u Crno more.Balkansko poluostrvo geografski je smiješteno između Jadranskog mora, Crnog mora,Egejskog mora i Mramornog mora.Iako se danas pojam "Balkan" kao jedna od geografskih regija Evrope