keep a person in suspense in English

keep someone feeling tense, maintain a sense of suspense in someone

Use "keep a person in suspense" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "keep a person in suspense" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "keep a person in suspense", or refer to the context using the word "keep a person in suspense" in the English Dictionary.

1. Keep matters for a time in suspense.

2. How do you keep a jackass in suspense?

3. Well, do not keep us in suspense.

4. Don't keep us in suspense any longer!

5. Don't keep me in suspense - tell me what happened!

6. Don't keep us in suspense. Tell us what happened!

7. Don't keep us in suspense any longer: tell us what happened!

8. Okay, well don't keep me in suspense, what do you got?

9. It would be unkind to keep him in suspense for too long.

10. Don't keep us in suspense?did you get the job or not?

11. The play is constructed in such a way as to keep the audience in suspense until the very end.

12. Don't keep us in suspense any longer -- what happens at the end of the story?

13. Thriller film, also known as suspense film or suspense thriller, is a broad film genre that involves excitement and suspense in the audience.

14. So let's not keep you in suspense and join Katie prior to her departure from a surprising location for international flight.

15. The suspense, hilarity and seduction will keep you sucked in'till the bittersweet enthralling end.

16. Suspense in fiction, that tingling sensation that makes us keep turning the pages, seems to arise in two ways.

17. A diet lacking in nutritional value will not keep a person healthy.

18. No suspense.

19. That book kept me in suspense.

20. And -- well, I'll leave you in suspense.

21. Oh, tell me, don'tkeep me in suspense.

22. Sovereignty is never held in suspense.

23. You'll grow as a person and keep your resume in tip-top shape.

24. I suffered agonies of suspense in silence.

25. Suspense adds interest to a story.