kalevala in English

a collection of Finnish legends transmitted orally until published in the 19th century, and now regarded as the Finnish national epic.

Use "kalevala" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "kalevala" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "kalevala", or refer to the context using the word "kalevala" in the English Dictionary.

1. BIG PERCY (322ND Logistics Division) lost their Bustard in TA9T-P (The Kalevala Expanse)

2. The Finnish Kalevala and the Estonian Kalevipoeg both use alliterative forms derived from folk tradition.

3. 1989, Keith Bosley, translating Elias Lönnrot, The Kalevala, XVII: The mother sought the one gone / astray, for the lost she longs: / she ran great swamps as a wolf / trod the wilds as a Bruin / waters as an otter roamed […].