juxta in English


near, next to

Use "juxta" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "juxta" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "juxta", or refer to the context using the word "juxta" in the English Dictionary.

1. Juxta-articular adiposis dolorosa is a rare subtype of Dercum’s disease.

2. The growth of a pre-existing lumbar juxta-facet cyst after a laminectomy is a rare condition.

3. Juxta-acetabular osteotomies avoid major disorganization of the pelvic framework and allow easier reorientation of the acetabulum.

4. 20 Juxta was from a Latin root that meant "come together" and also gave us our English word joust.

5. Juxta-central or paracentral scotoma depending on whether it is uni- or bilateral with visual acuity preserved | up to 15% |

6. A 60-years old female patient developed juxta-articular fibroid nodules and erythrocyanotic lesions of acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans after several tick bites.

7. We report on four females (aged between 52 and 83 years) who suffered from juxta-articular adiposis dolorosa for more than 10 years.

8. Hortus Romanus juxta systema Tournefortianum /paulo strictius distributus a Georgio Bonelli specierum nomina suppeditante, praestantiorum quas ipse selegit, Adumbrationem dirigente Liberato Sabbati adjectis unicuique volumini rariorum plantarum tabulis c

9. The Annals of Tewkesbury record the death “circa Assumptionem beatæ Mariæ” in 1241 of “comitissa Herefordiæ” and her burial “apud Lentoniam juxta Gloucestriam”[471]

10. In males of most species of Lepidoptera, the aedeagus has a sheath which is supported by an organ called the juxta, which is located between the aforementioned valvae.

11. 16 When existing a relatively large juxta-pleural nodule in lung CT image, because of the lacunas in the segmented lung, the attached nodules may not be distinguishable from the lung.